Leading-Edge Brain Care, Powered by Discovery

We turn relentless research into the latest therapies. Find expert neurologists and neurosurgeons for even the most complex condition.

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“Bringing dramatic new hope”

— Dr. Nathan Selden, chief of neurosurgery

The OHSU Brain Institute is on the leading edge of innovations in patient care and scientific understanding. Our work includes harnessing brain waves to return communication to people with paralysis.

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Jean Henderson’s hand tremor was so bad she couldn’t sign her name. Then she came to OHSU for focused ultrasound. OHSU is the only hospital in Oregon with this life-changing therapy for essential tremor and a type of Parkinson’s disease.

Learn about focused ultrasound

Background image: Patient Jean Henderson toasts a celebratory drink to her recovery.
A graphic of a badge that reads "Healthcare Accreditation Services," "Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center," "Quality & Patient Safety."

The OHSU Stroke Program is a certified comprehensive stroke center, meeting the highest standards for patient care and safety.

AACN Beacon Award for Excellence logo

The OHSU Brain Institute has the only neurosciences ICU in Oregon with an AACN Beacon Award for Excellence.

OBI NAEC National Association of Epilepsy Centers Level 4

We have Oregon’s only epilepsy center to earn a Level 4 designation, the highest, from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.