Reiss Lab

Lina Reiss, Lab Director
Professor of Otolaryngology-HNS, Biomedical Engineering, and Behavioral Neuroscience
The Reiss Lab studies auditory perception and how this is affected by hearing loss, with a focus on binaural fusion and spectral integration. We also study how auditory nerve function changes over time after cochlear implantation. We study these questions in both humans and animal models.
Dr. Reiss has also been involved for over 25 years with HI-ARO (hearing-impaired Association for Research in Otolaryngology), a mentoring network for scientists, engineers, and clinicians with hearing loss in the field of hearing research.
More recently, she helped found BIPOC-CSD, a mentoring network for researchers and clinicians in the hearing field who identify as a person of color.
For more information, email Lina Reiss (
News and Articles
OHSU News: Study provides new insight on hearing development in children, February 2025
Podcast - Cochlear Implants: An Expert Insider's View with Dr. Lina Reiss (transcript here) - August 2021
Hearing Health Foundation Blog Feature: Study explains cocktail party effect in hearing impairment, July 2021
Oregonian: Deaf Scientists Lead Charge in Hearing Research and OHSU Hearing Researcher: Lina Reiss
OHSU Blog Article: Two Ears Are Not Always Better Than One and the original research article
503 494-5868
We are located in the Hatfield Research Center (HRC) at the OHSU Marquam Hill campus. Take Elevator G in HRC to the 4th floor. Our lab is in Room 463.
Lina Reiss Lab
Oregon Health & Science University
Mailcode NRC04
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239
OHSU Hearing, Balance, and Cochlear Implant Services
OHSU Oregon Hearing Research Center
OHSU Center for Spoken Language Understanding
VA National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR)
Pacific University Audiology Program and Pacific Ear Clinic
Portland State University: Oregon Scottish Rite Speech and Hearing Clinic - fee-free services