COVID-19 resources

Find COVID-19 information and vaccine resources from Health Share of Oregon.

Recursos sobre el Coronavirus COVID-19 e la vacuna de Health Share de Oregon.

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Access your plan information

As a Health Share member, you can now use My Plan, our secure member portal. With My Plan, you can access your plan information, show your ID card, and view your account details whenever you want. Register for My Plan. If you are already registered, sign in to My Plan.

Health-Related Services

There is more to staying healthy than good medical care. Other keys to health include food, shelter and communication services. You can receive health-related services to support your needs in these areas. Our care coordinators can help you get short-term places to stay or extra food. We can help you get a cell phone and service plan for telehealth care with your provider.

To learn more, please contact your primary care provider.

You can also call the Health Share Customer Service team at 503-416-8090, or care coordinators at OHSU Health at 844-827-6572.

Climate-related support devices for members/Dispositivos de apoyo relacionadas con el clima para participantes

Oregon Health Plan members going through certain life changes may qualify to get helpful things like air conditioners, heaters, air purifiers, mini fridges for medicines, or portable power supplies for medical equipment.

You may qualify if you fit in one of these groups:

  • If you're an adult or a young person released from incarceration in the last year.
  • If you're an adult or a young person who left a mental health facility in the last year.
  • If you were in Oregon's child welfare system.
  • If you're changing from only having Medicaid to having both Medicaid and Medicare.
  • If you're homeless or might become homeless.

You can ask for one of these free devices by filling out this form

Los participantes del Plan de Salud de Oregón que atraviesan ciertos cambios en su vida pueden calificar para recibir cosas útiles como acondicionadores de aire, calentadores, purificadores de aire, minirrefrigeradores para medicamentos o fuentes de energía portátiles para equipos médicos.

Es posible que califique si pertenece a uno de estos grupos:

  • Si usted es un adulto o un joven liberado de la cárcel en el último año.
  • Si es un adulto o un joven que salió de un centro de salud mental en el último año.
  • Si estuvo en el sistema de bienestar infantil de Oregón.
  • Si está cambiando de solo tener Medicaid a tener Medicaid y Medicare.
  • Si no tiene hogar o podría quedarse sin hogar.

Puede solicitar uno de estos dispositivos gratuitos rellenando este formulario.

About us

OHSU Health Services includes three adult hospitals - OHSU Hospital, Adventist Health Portland and Hillsboro Medical Center - as well as OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, and dozens of patient care locations throughout the Portland metro area. Our goal is to serve OHP members with outstanding patient care informed by cutting-edge research in an innovative training environment.

Learn more about Health Share of Oregon.

Contact information

OHSU Health Services Customer Service
Call 844-827-6572 or email

OHSU Anonymous Compliance Hotline: 877-733-8313


Medical customer support
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Pharmacy customer support
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.