Is LASIK Right for Me?

It is important that my glasses prescription be stable for at least a year before considering laser vision correction surgery.

Answer 1: True


The answer was: True

It is best to make sure the prescription is stable to allow for the best possible outcome.

Answer 1: False

Not Quite!

The correct answer was True

It is best to make sure the prescription is stable to allow for the best possible outcome.

There is no age requirement for a patient to be a good candidate for laser vision correction surgery?

Answer 2: True

Not Quite!

The correct answer was False

Patients must be at least 21 years of age before considering laser vision correction. Eye changes can continue during maturation, it is best to wait until age 21 to allow the eyes to stabilize.

Answer 2: False


The answer was: False

Patients must be at least 21 years of age before considering laser vision correction. Eye changes can continue during maturation, it is best to wait until age 21 to allow the eyes to stabilize.

Pregnant women should delay having laser vision correction surgery until after they have given birth?

Answer 3: True


The answer was: True

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause the eyes to temporarily change.

Answer 3: False

Not Quite!

The correct answer was True

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause the eyes to temporarily change.

Nursing women should not consider laser vision correction until they have been finished nursing for 3-6 months?

Answer 4: True


The answer was: True

Hormonal changes that can occur while nursing can cause the eyes to temporarily change, it is best to allow the eyes to return to their pre-nursing state.

Answer 4: False

Not Quite!

The correct answer was True

Hormonal changes that can occur while nursing can cause the eyes to temporarily change, it is best to allow the eyes to return to their pre-nursing state.

Patients diagnosed with Auto-Immune Disease or Rheumatoid Arthritis should proceed cautiously when considering laser vision correction surgery?

Question 5: True


The answer was: True

These types of diseases can have an effect on the outcomes of patients undergoing laser vision correction, the viability of proceeding should be discussed with a knowledgeable surgeon.

Question 5: False

Not Quite!

The correct answer was True

These types of diseases can have an effect on the outcomes of patients undergoing laser vision correction, the viability of proceeding should be discussed with a knowledgeable surgeon.