OB/GYN Residency Program

Welcome from the 2025 Chief Class
We are very proud to be a part of the Ob/Gyn department here at OHSU, and we're excited to introduce you to what we are all about! Our residency program has many strengths. We are a university-based program with ties to several community hospitals in Portland; it's truly the best of both worlds. We have the challenge of managing unusual and difficult cases that are referred from a tri-state area to our tertiary care university hospital, but not at the expense of bread-and-butter cases that we see out in the community. One of our program's greatest assets is our dedicated and supportive faculty. We pride ourselves on being a close-knit, friendly community. This fosters a collegial and fun environment in which to learn and grow as a person, a clinician, and a surgeon. In addition to advocating for quality of life, our department is also very committed to resident education. We have several laparoscopic training labs, multidisciplinary OB simulation days, and unique interactive models enabling true hands-on integrated learning. We have protected time each year to attend the Northwest Review, a two-day conference that is held in downtown Portland, and attend regular journal clubs in the homes of faculty every month. This integrated, formal education complements the deeply rich, on-the-fly teaching from our beloved mentors. Our program director, Dr. Ian Fields, and associate program directors Drs. Amy Stenson, Emily Griffin, and Meg O'Reilly, listen very attentively to resident feedback and work tirelessly on our behalf to ensure that our program is meeting our needs.
We aren't exaggerating when we talk about the incredible camaraderie among our residents. We enjoy working with each other both on and off the court. Portland contains a multitude of adventures from food carts, concerts, camping, hiking… the list is truly endless. Whether it's meeting up for rooftop dinner in the Pearl District, hiking in the Columbia River Gorge, concerts in Forest Park underneath the stars, checking out the newest food cart or fancy restaurant, or a trip to the coast for a warm cup of delicious local coffee, there is no shortage of ways to enjoy your time off! Our program has three official social events each year including a resident retreat, graduation banquet, and a top secret roast and toast called "The Smoker," which involves highly elaborate costumes and lots of funny stories. We'll save the details for when you come to visit us!
Your life will change dramatically in the next four years between weddings, the birth of children, family events, and of course, the everyday challenges of being a resident. This department and your fellow residents will support you through these big changes and the day-to-day ups and down. You will become a skilled, confident clinician and surgeon here at OHSU, as evidenced by the success with which our program places residents in top-notch fellowships and outstanding generalist positions each year. We can't wait to meet you at your interview! We would love to hear from you via email with any questions.
Contact Us
Clarice Gilray, M.A.
Residency Coordinator
Fatima Salas, M.H.A., C-TAGME
Education Manager