Headshot photo of Beverly Emerson, Ph.D.

Beverly Emerson, Ph.D.

  • Distinguished Professor, CEDAR, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine


At CEDAR, Beverly Emerson will help mentor major research initiatives and contribute to formulating innovative scientific directions. Emerson directed a research laboratory at the Salk Institute in the field of gene regulation, focusing on mechanisms of chromatin restructuring and epigenetic programming. Her work led to unexpected discoveries underlying p53 function, aberrant gene silencing, COX-2 modulation of inflammation, and drug-resistance in human cancers. Recent work with human breast tissue revealed novel mechanisms of the stress response that may promote early cancer formation. Beverly Emerson has served in leadership roles as a member of the board of several non-profit organizations, organizer of major scientific conferences, and as elected Chair of the Salk Institute Faculty. Beverly Emerson is very excited to be part of CEDAR and help to fulfill its important mission.



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