Headshot photo of Elisabeth Goldman, Ph.D.<span class="profile__pronouns"> (she/her)</span>

Elisabeth Goldman, Ph.D. (she/her)

  • Computational Biologist 3, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine


Elisabeth Goldman received her PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of Oregon, where she studied how the environment impacts the aging epigenome across species with different life history traits. At CEDAR, Elisabeth will focus on identifying mutational signatures in tumors and how genetic variation affects individual risk of cancer incidence and progression. Elisabeth’s previous work focused on building tissue-specific epigenetic clocks to examine how the aging methylome differs between tissues with different functions. She also worked as part of WHO’s Study on Global Ageing (SAGE) project evaluating measurement variability in telomere length for field-based population studies. Elisabeth moved to the Pacific Northwest from New York City and loves traveling as well as backpacking in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. She is excited to join CEDAR and believes her training and expertise will enable her to assist in advancing CEDAR's mission. 



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