Headshot photo of Kathleen Forrester, M.A.<span class="profile__pronouns"> (she/her)</span>

Kathleen Forrester, M.A. (she/her)

  • Research Project Manager, CEDAR, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine


Kathy Forrester became interested in OHSU as a college student in the 80’s, when she worked as a lab tech in the Lipid Disorders clinic. She completed her undergraduate work at University of Oregon, then her graduate work at University of Washington, so she’s a Duck in Husky clothing. Kathy worked in behavioral research and data analysis at Oregon Research Institute and Influents Innovations, Inc. for 23 years, before returning to clinical research at OHSU’s CEDAR in spring of 2022. Kathy’s role as Clinical Project Manager is to bring Cancer Clinical trials to Southern Oregon: she lives in Roseburg, and works in both Douglas and Coos County, collaborating with Bay Area Hospital’s Cancer Care Center in Coos Bay.  In her spare time, Kathy enjoys gardening, teaching yoga and dance, walking her dog, doing extensive remodeling on her house, and basically never sitting still for very long.



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