How to Apply for a Job at OHSU: Frequently Asked Questions

Here you’ll find answers to common questions. Please review this information before contacting us.

Find a job at OHSU

How to apply online

Can I contact the hiring manager?

No, sorry. We aren’t able to provide hiring managers’ contact information. This applies to specific jobs as well as to requests for informational interviews or visits from out of state.

Can I mail or email my resumé?

Most of the time, an online application is required. Jobs that allow or require an emailed resume will say so in the job posting.

How can I apply if I don't have a computer?

You can use a computer available to the public at:

Why can't I fill out a paper application?

Please apply online. OHSU does not accept paper applications, and we don’t accept files by email.

You can use a computer available to the public at:

Accommodations: If you need an accommodation, please contact the Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance at 503-494-5148 or email

What do entries in the Status column mean?

  • Submission received: Your application was successfully submitted.
  • Under review: Your qualifications are being reviewed, and you are under consideration for this job.
  • In process: You accepted a verbal offer for this job. A written offer letter and background check are in the works. 
  • Offer declined: You turned down a written offer.   
  • Interviewed, not selected: We are moving forward with other candidates. You are no longer being considered for this job.
  • Withdrawn: You withdrew as a candidate for this job.
  • Not reviewed: We received your application after narrowing the pool of candidates for this job. You are not being considered for this job.
  • Contacted, no response: We tried to contact you about this job but didn’t hear back. 
  • Interview, no show: You did not show up for a scheduled interview. 

Can I delete old applications from my dashboard?

Job applications appear for three years after the last activity on your application.

How to track an OHSU application

I submitted an application. When will I be contacted?

Because we receive so many applications, we may contact only applicants chosen for an interview. Please allow six to eight weeks to be contacted or to see a change in your application status.

How long does the review process usually take?

The application review process can take six to eight weeks. Please check your application status for updates.

My application status hasn't changed. What does that mean?

It means one of three things:

  1. The hiring manager hasn’t reviewed your application yet.
  2. The hiring manager is waiting for more applicants before they review applications or begin interviews.
  3. The job has been filled, and the system will be updated shortly.

I can't find the job I'm looking for. Where is it?

Try searching by job number (for example: 2019-1456), by keyword or by job category. If you can’t find it, it’s no longer available.

  • Please note that third-party job sites that list OHSU jobs are never as up to date. Just because a site such as WorkSource Oregon or Indeed lists an OHSU job doesn’t mean the job is still open.

Are all applicants interviewed?

No. Supervisors review applications and interview those who best match the job requirements.

When do OHSU jobs close to applicants?

OHSU jobs generally don’t have closing dates. They can close at any time. Check the job listing to make sure it’s still open.


Can I apply to jobs at OHSU if I am retired through PERS?

OHSU does not hire people who are Tier One or Tier Two members of PERS, or who are members of OPSRP, and who have officially retired and are receiving retirement benefits under the state retirement system (PERS, OPSRP).

Does OHSU have a temporary hiring pool?

OHSU contracts with Aya Healthcare for temporary staffing. If you are interested in working as a temporary employee, you can search jobs on Aya’s website or email

Does OHSU have a COVID-19 vaccination policy?

OHSU strongly recommends that all OHSU employees, regardless of your work location or job function, be up to date with COVID-19 vaccination. If you are hired and choose to decline vaccination, you must submit a declination form and adhere to any OHSU requirements for employees with a declination on file (e.g., masking in patient care areas).