About the Moore Institute
The OHSU Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness was created after an extraordinary act of generosity from Bob and Charlee Moore who pledged $25 million to form a partnership with OHSU to confront one of the biggest contributors to the rise of chronic disease: poor nutrition.
The Moore Institute's central commitment is to reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases across the lifespan in current and future generations by promoting healthy, nutrient-rich diets based on whole-foods in early life – before conception, during pregnancy and lactation, and in infancy and early childhood.
The scientific cornerstone of the Moore Institute is a discipline in which OHSU is internationally recognized: the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, or DOHaD, which illuminates the vital relationships between maternal prenatal diet, fetal health and adult onset disease.
The Moore Institute is intended to exert a far-reaching and long-lasting impact on the health and well-being of people of all ages by addressing the complex clinical and social factors related to and arising from poor nutrition.
Myatt appointed Moore Institute Director
Thornburg steps back from Director Role

We’ve relaunched our blog!
The name, Better The Future, evokes what we aspire to do: End chronic disease in future generations by changing our food culture today.
Our blog features compelling, accessible articles that are grounded in science. Articles focus on how our food culture impacts chronic disease - as we highlight the multiple social, cultural and economic factors that shape how and what we eat.
Looking for a way to make changes in your community? Almost every blog article ends with actions that people can take, categorized as crawling, walking or running – depending on your capacity and circumstance. Do you have stories for us to showcase? Let us know!