We are here to help you acquire and analyze high quality image data

What we can do for you:

At the ALMC we will maximize your chances of success by:

  • Consulting with you about your project’s imaging and analysis needs
  • Advising you on experimental design, sample preparation, and analysis strategy
  • Training you to take images of your own samples and take advantage of our advanced image analysis tools

Please reach out as early as possible in your project design. Find more information about our instrumentation here.

We support common technologies such as laser scanning and spinning disk confocal microscopy, as well as more advanced modalities such as super resolution, multi photon excitation, and light sheet imaging. Our team has extensive expertise with time lapse imaging of live samples. We also offer slide scanning services for imaging whole slides. Drop off your slides and receive data back within a week.

We also assist you in designing analysis strategies for 2D, 3D, and 4D data using ZEN, Imaris, arivis, and Visiopharm platforms.

Our Locations:

ALM Core instruments are divided between our locations at Marquam Hill and the South Waterfront.

Marquam Hill:  fourth floor of the Hildegard Lamfrom Biomedical Research Building in rooms LBRB 451, LBRB 474, LBRB 476, LBRB 478, and LBRB 481. The director's office is LBRB 405, and our staff office and data analysis workstations are in LBRB 481.

South Waterfront: third floor of the Knight Cancer Research Building, room 3161.

Acknowledging the ALMC

Our ability to operate our services depends on our users acknowledging the support of the OHSU University Shared Resources Program. Please acknowledge your use of our facility in publications, talks, and on posters. The ALMC has its own Research Resource ID – Please list us as the OHSU Advanced Light Microscopy (RRID: SCR_009961). Click here for boilerplate language for ALMC acknowledgment and grant numbers.