Headshot photo of Nicole N. Jones, PT, DPT

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Nicole N. Jones, PT, DPT

Accepting new patients

  • Physical Therapist


  • Rehabilitation

Special focus

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

About me

I have the pleasure to work with patients at OHSU Knight Cancer Center located in Beaverton. My primary care focuses in total joint reconstruction, spine, and other orthopedic injuries. I follow a holistic approach while treating my patients. I enjoy anything outdoors, avid runner, and a big movie enthusiast.

Languages spoken

  • English

Education and training

    • B.S., 2006, Portland State University
    • D.P.T., 2011, Western University of Health Sciences
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Before scheduling your appointment, we recommend you contact your insurance company to verify that the OHSU Health location or provider you plan to visit is included in your network. Your insurance company will also be able to inform you of any copayments, co–insurance, or deductibles that will be your responsibility. If you proceed in scheduling an appointment and your health insurance benefits do not participate with OHSU providers, your out of pocket liability may be higher. Visit the billing and insurance section of our site for more information.