Welcome to the home of advanced computing at OHSU. Our team looks forward to supporting your research needs through scalable solutions — which includes the Advanced Computing Center (ACC) host of the ARC compute cluster — which augments and supplements no-cost core services provided to OHSU by the Information Technology Group
As Oregon's only academic health center, OHSU's research community drives the journey toward the discovery of new cures, new standards of care, and a better understanding of the basic sciences that underlie all biomedical advancement. We are honored to support the work being done by our collaborative research community.  

Arvind Gopu, Director, Research Applications and Technology Support

Marion Hakanson, Supervisor - Advanced Computing Center

Please contact ACC at acc@ohsu.edu

Research Data Storage (RDS)

Research Data Storage (RDS)

OHSU's first flexible research storage platform created for researchers

Contact ACC

Contact ACC

Fee-for-service help for urgent requests, existing and new project requests.