Basic, Translational and Clinical Science

The OHSU Dermatology Research Division merges basic, clinical and translational research in skin/mucosal cancers and other dermatologic diseases. We build upon three elements:
- Molecular, cellular and tissue based models of disease
- Specialized cell separation and culture
- Molecular genetics for diagnosis and therapy
The research division is designed to foster interactions among basic and clinical scientists and resident fellows of the department for novel and synergistic research activities and applications.
Basic science labs
Rajan Kulkarni, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Dermatology
Terri Clister, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate
Rosalyn Fey, Computational Biologist 2
Zach Garrison, Research Assistant 2
Connor Hall, Research Assistant
Nabeela Khan, Research Assistant 2
Rebecca Nichols, Senior Research Assistant
The Kulkarni Lab focuses on the intersection of basic biology, technology and medicine to help better realize the vision of personalized medicine in cancer.
Kulkarni Lab research is now centered on basic and translational studies to enable molecularly-based, personalized approaches to cancer care, in collaboration with the VA, the Center for Early Detection Research (CEDAR), and the Knight Cancer Institute. To this end, we are collaborating extensively with technology groups at OHSU and CEDAR to improve our abilities to gain information about tumor heterogeneity through single cell isolation and analysis, for all cancers, but primarily in melanoma, prostate and lung cancers.
A parallel line of research focuses on oncodermatology and elucidating the mechanisms by which novel chemotherapeutics and immunotherapies cause skin toxicities/rashes and whether these mechanisms have any correlation with anti-tumor effect and overall outcome. Our overall goal is to couple genomic, epigenetic and clinical information to design novel treatment strategies and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
Dr. Kulkarni's past research focused on two main areas:
- Development of innovative methods to enable earlier cancer detection and its recurrence through isolation and analysis of circulating tumor cells
- Improving our understanding of 3D tumor architecture through tissue clearing methods (PARS and PACT CLARITY) for intact 3D tissue imaging.
Sancy Leachman, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Dermatology; Director, Melanoma Research Program, Knight Cancer Institute
Pamela Cassidy, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor
The Leachman-Cassidy Lab is a transdisciplinary and translational research team designed to improve melanoma health outcomes with a focus on melanoma prevention and early detection before metastasis can occur. Their goal is to eliminate as many melanoma-related deaths as possible utilizing a full-spectrum approach; from bench-side basic science, to bed-side treatment and care, to wide-scale public health outreach.
Dr. Cassidy leads the Lab's translational and basic science efforts, incorporating molecular, cellular and human genetics studies to understand and develop prevention agents for the highest risk individuals. Together they have a long standing program in collaboration with Dr. Elizabeth Berry, to understand and identify individuals who are genetically predisposed to melanoma, for the purpose of improved screening and detection and chemoprevention.
Dr. Leachman leads the clinical science and population health efforts through her nationwide War on MelanomaTM effort. This includes the creation of the largest melanoma registry in the country, as well as other key efforts such as the MoleMapperTM mole tracking phone app, melanoma education efforts for several key audiences, and the public health campaign Start Seeing MelanomaTM. She is also an advocate for innovative technologies for melanoma screening and diagnosis.
Yuangang Liu, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor
Zhiping Wang, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate
Liu Lab's research interest is to understand the molecular basis of skin interaction with the environment. As the first line of defense, innate immunity plays a central role in host defense against infection, wound healing, and skin homeostasis. Altered innate immunity contributes to the pathogenesis of many inflammatory skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and pyoderma gangrenosum (PG). Liu Lab’s research has been focused on understanding the molecular basis of PG pathogenesis in order to define the molecular basis of ulcer formation in PG, and harness innate immune pathway in PG therapy.
Noah Hornick, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Dermatology
Dr. Hornick specializes in the set of skin problems that are unique to patients undergoing the treatment of cancers. His goal is to help patients and their oncologists anticipate, manage, and minimize the impact of these common problems during cancer therapy. In the laboratory, Dr. Hornick investigates the ways in which these medication reactions are related to other common skin diseases, which he believes will help inform the treatment of both.
Affiliate labs
Coussens Lab
Lisa M. Coussens, Ph.D.
Professor of Cell, Developmental and Cancer Biology, School of Medicine
Associate Director for Basic Research, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine
Chair, Department of Cell, Developmental & Cancer Biology
Cell and Developmental Biology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
Cancer Biology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
Program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, School of Medicine
The objectives of the laboratory are to study the structure, distribution, and function of G protein-coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Because mGluRs modulate, as opposed to mediate, synaptic transmission, compounds acting on mGluRs are being investigated as therapies and are in clinical trials for neurological and psychiatric diseases such as central pain, drug addiction, excitotoxic neuronal injury following stroke, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
Robert M. Duvoisin, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Medicine
Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine
Indra Lab
Arup Indra, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Dermatology
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Oregon State University
The goal of our combined laboratories is to translate fundamental basic science discoveries focused on cellular DNA damage response pathways into actionable clinical interventions and improved therapeutic response. We specifically are interested in mechanisms of DNA repair and replication that modulate mutagenesis and subsequent carcinogenesis in response to a variety of both natural and man-made toxicant exposures. In addition, we investigate how alterations in DNA repair and tolerance networks affect the initiation and progression of human carcinogenesis and how these fundamental principles and acquired genetic instabilities can be used to leverage tumor-specific therapeutics.
Amanda McCullough, Ph.D.
Professor, Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences
Professor of Molecular and Medical Genetics, School of Medicine
Co-Director, Molecular & Medical Genetics Graduate Program
Molecular and Medical Genetics Graduate Program, School of Medicine
Cancer Biology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
Program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, School of Medicine
R. Stephen Lloyd, Ph.D.
Professor, Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences
Professor of Molecular and Medical Genetics, School of Medicine
Associate Director for Basic Research, Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences
Molecular and Medical Genetics Graduate Program, School of Medicine
Program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, School of Medicine
Cancer Biology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
The first stage of image processing in the visual system occurs in the retina at the synapses between photoreceptors and bipolar cells. Adaptation mechanisms at this site are likely to have profound effects on vision. Our research aims to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms by which these synapses adapt to changing light conditions.
Catherine W. Morgans, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Medicine
Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine
Oshimori Lab
Naoki Oshimori, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Dermatology and Cell & Developmental Biology
Tracy Petrie, Ph.D.
Ravi Samatham, Ph.D.
The Petrie/Samatham lab supports the research efforts of the Department of Dermatology through software and optical engineering, data analysis, and research.
Dr. Petrie oversees the MoleMapper program which was OHSU's first externally provided smartphone app used by individuals to track moles while optionally participating in IRB-approved research. In addition, he uses Machine Learning to study pigmented skin lesions, confocal images, and other modalities. He also provides support for the department's specialized image processing and image database needs.
Dr. Samatham designs and constructs novel photonic devices, advises on the selection and use of state-of-the-art imaging products, and supports teams within OHSU to further clinical and research missions. He provides custom analysis of photon/skin interactions across a broad spectrum of emerging technologies. He currently is working on novel applications of Optical Coherence Tomography and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy used to diagnose and assess dermatologic conditions. Additionally, he analyzes and manages interactions with research cohorts within the War on Melanoma and MoleMapper projects.
Ruhland Lab
Megan Ruhland, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Cell, Developmental & Cancer Biology
Department of Dermatology
The Ruhland lab is broadly interested in understanding the who, what, when and where of antigen presentation in the lymph node. In particular we focus on the pathways used by myeloid cell populations to bring tumor-derived antigen into the lymph node and subsequently seed antigen into lymph node resident cell populations.
Jackilen Shannon, Ph.D.
Professor, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
Associate Director, Community Outreach and Engagement, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine
Associate Director, Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute
Graduate Programs in Human Nutrition, School of Medicine
Dr. Shannon is a population scientist. As such, her work begins with consideration of the distribution and determinants of disease at the population level. Over the years her diverse training in Nutrition Science (BS), Public Health (MPH), Nutritional Epidemiology (PhD) and Cancer Epidemiology (post-doc) has allowed her to explore many levels of analysis, including the individual- level (dietary intake ) and the micro-level (molecular markers, genetic polymorphisms), but always with an intent of population level application.
Our lab is focusing on the molecular mechanisms by which dietary nutrients can prevent cancer. We have the unique approach of combining molecular biology and epidemiology to truely assess translationally the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms regulating cancer cell and tumor growth.
Philippe Thuillier, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine
Wong Lab
Melissa H. Wong, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Dermatology and Cell & Developmental Biology
The Yantasee Lab combines novel nanotechnology and cancer systems biology to develop next-generation combination immunotherapies for cancer. We aspire to substantially improve health care using our proprietary nanotechnology platform. It can co-deliver siRNA, chemo drugs, vaccines, and/or immunotherapies. We capitalize on this platform to generate next generation combination immune therapies for cancer by co-delivering therapeutics targeting complementary cancer and immune pathways, leading to synergistic clinical benefits.
Wassana Yantasee, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine
Program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, School of Medicine
About vitiligo
Vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder which afflicts an estimated 100 million people worldwide, is characterized by the loss of pigment in affected areas of skin. It is neither life threatening nor contagious, but the white skin patches it causes produce emotional distress for many, and often lead to social ostracism because of a widespread misconception that the condition is infectious.
An estimated one to two percent of the world’s population, or 60 to 100 million people, suffer from the malady. Current treatments, which rely on immunosuppression or ultraviolet radiation to stimulate repigmentation, take time to work and are only partially effective, often producing a mottled appearance. Excessive UV radiation also poses the risk of skin cancer.
Piperine, a potential new treatment for vitiligo
The Department of Dermatology has supported scientific research by Amala Soumyanath, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Neurology, and Philippe Thuillier, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Dermatology, for their promising work on a new potential vitiligo therapy. Piperine, an extract of black pepper, has been demonstrated to enhance melanocyte growth in vivo. The goal of this innovative research is to offer people with vitiligo a new and effective treatment option.
“Based on the animal studies we have done, piperine, if proven safe in humans, may provide a means of speeding up repigmentation produced by standard treatments such as narrow band UVB” said Amala Soumyanath, Ph.D. “Vitiligo is a highly visible disease that can greatly affect patients psychologically and emotionally, even driving some to consider suicide. Any breakthrough in treating it would benefit a huge number of people around the world.”
Piperine stimulates skin pigment cells
Soumyanath and her collaborators have reported on the effects of their compounds in animals in a paper published in the British Journal of Dermatology. But development of the concept dates back more than two decades to work initiated by Soumyanath at King’s College London. Soumyanath’s group discovered –while researching natural remedies for vitiligo – that piperine, the pungent component of black pepper, stimulated the proliferation of melanocytes in cell cultures. Melanocytes are the cells that produce pigmentation in the skin. The researchers then designed and tested many synthetic piperine analogs and identified a number that produced the same result.
The group subsequently found that piperine and two of its analogs – tetrahydropiperine (THP) and a cyclohexyl derivative (RCHP) produced light, even pigmentation when applied to the skin of a poorly pigmented mouse model. When combined with UV radiation, the skin grew significantly darker and showed none of the patchiness caused by UV treatment alone. Moreover, skin pre-treated with a piperine compound required fewer UV exposures, thus lowering the cancer risk, and it took longer for the pigmentation to fade again than when UV alone was used.
Research at OHSU
Soumyanath came to OHSU in 2003, where she has established collaborations with scientific and clinical researchers at the Department of Dermatology to continue work on this project, including Philippe Thuillier, Ph.D., (Assistant Professor), Dr Pamela Cassidy Ph.D (Professor), Dr Eric Simpson (Professor) and Dr Sancy Leachman M.D. PhD (Professor and Chair of Dermatology). “Dr. Soumyanath’s discoveries open up completely new and exciting treatment possibilities for those individuals affected by vitiligo,” said Dr Sancy Leachman, M.D., Ph.D. “There is a huge unmet need for this disease, since we have very few treatments to offer patients right now,” she noted.
Soumyanath and the collaborative team are continuing to find additional scientific answers. An important step before clinical trials can be undertaken in the U.S., said Soumyanath, is to determine whether the repigmentation effects of piperine is associated in any way with melanoma or other skin cancers. “From our mouse and cell studies so far, it doesn’t appear that is the case,” she said. “In fact, piperine seems to have anti-cancer or cancer preventive effects. We are hopeful that more detailed research will bear this out.” The group has developed a cream formulation that allows good penetration of piperine into the skin. They are eager to test piperine in volunteers with vitiligo once they are able secure funding for a clinical trial.’
Support the research
OHSU acquired the patents to Soumyanath’s piperine compounds from King’s College London and BTG International Ltd. in 2006, and is actively seeking a commercial partner to advance piperine through pharmaceutical development. In the meantime, the researchers are actively seeking grants and philanthropic donations to obtain data to attract such a partner.
To support this effort financially, you can choose Vitiligo Research on our Foundation Giving page.
Translational and Clinical Science
Dr. Berry has been involved in melanoma research since 2008, with significant experience in basic science, clinical and translational research studies in the United States and abroad. She currently serves as OHSU Pigmented Lesion Clinic Director, Melanoma Multidisciplinary Clinic Director, and Co-Director of the GenoMEL consortium, an international group of dermatologists, medical oncologists, basic scientists and clinical geneticists dedicated to pursuing the germline and somatic genetic underpinnings of melanoma.
Her research focuses on management of histologically atypical nevi, melanoma education for primary care clinicians, dermoscopy education, guidelines for germline genetic testing for melanoma predisposition syndromes, and treatment of large, unresectable melanomas and cutaneous melanoma metastases.
Dr. Foster has a special expertise in mucosal dermatology and blistering diseases, including diseases of the oral and genital mucosa. Her research interests include oral and genital lichen planus, severe lichen sclerosus, and shared decision making between patients and dermatologists.
Her current research time is mostly spent with CORALS, an international collaboration to establish core outcomes for clinical trials of genital lichen sclerosus. She sees patients and collaborates with OB/Gyn colleagues at the OHSU Center for Vulvar Health and the OHSU Center for Health and Healing.
Teri M Greiling, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Dermatology
Dr. Greiling does clinical and translational research on inflammatory and autoimmune skin conditions. Her primary disease of interest is Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris (PRP), a rare and severe inflammatory skin disorder with sudden-onset full-body red, itchy, and scaly skin with thickening and painful fissuring of the palms and soles. Dr. Greiling conducted the first successful clinical trial with ixekizumab as a treatment for PRP, and continues to conduct scientific studies examining the immune and skin dysregulation mechanisms in PRP, as well as clinical research on the signs, symptoms, and quality of life impact of PRP. Dr. Greiling also has a background in studying how the microbiota interacts with the human immune system in autoimmune diseases such as lupus.
Dr. Angela Jiang is a board-certified dermatologist and dermatopathologist with a special interest in nail disorders and histopathology of the nail unit. She has published reviews that serve as references for other dermatopathologists in the diagnosis of melanoma in the nail unit. Additionally, she is also interested in evaluating optimal treatments for onychomycosis and new developments in skin reactions to nail cosmetics.
Research Focus: Severe cutaneous drug reactions, Morgellon’s disease
Dr. Keller is a dermatology hospitalist who specializes in multidisciplinary inpatient care of those with dermatologic disease, and collaborates with members of the Society of Dermatology Hospitalists on clinical projects related to this.
In the outpatient setting, Dr. Keller is a nationally recognized provider for a condition known as Morgellon's disease, which is an idiopathic skin disorder characterized by central and peripheral nerve dysfunction and painful skin lesions. Dr. Keller is among the first to explore the pathophysiology of this poorly understood disease through serum, tissue, and imaging studies.
- Dhami RK, Ng JW, Foster EL, Latour E, Keller JJ. Career advancement for female academic dermatologists: how the pandemic exacerbated inequities, and the path forward. Br J Dermatol. 2023 Oct 27:ljad422. doi: 10.1093/bjd/ljad422. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37890091.
- Keller JJ, Liu Y, Latour E. Skin biopsies of patients with Morgellon's disease show increased oncostatin M expression relative to healthy controls. Arch Dermatol Res. 2023 Dec 7;316(1):20. doi: 10.1007/s00403-023-02768-2. PMID: 38060036.
- Velasco R, Keller JJ. New onset delusional infestation following abrupt cessation of hydroxyzine. JAAD Case Rep. 2023 Jul 8;39:51-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jdcr.2023.06.042. PMID: 37583834; PMCID: PMC10424065.
- Wong LL, Borda LJ, Liem T, Keller JJ, Ortega-Loayza AG, Jung E. Atypical pyoderma gangrenosum in the setting of venous and arterial insufficiency. Int J Low Extrem Wounds 2023 Jun;22(2):418-22. doi: 10.1177/15347346211002334. Epub 2023 Apr 29. PMID: 33913352
- Wang Z, Hornick N, Vague M, et al. NETosis is induced by complement C5a: implications in the pathogenesis of pyoderma gangrenosum. J Invest Dermatol. 2023 Jul 27: S0022-202X(23) 02425-9. PMID: 37516310
- Waters M, Dobry A, Le S, et al. Development of a skin-directed scoring system for Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Epidermal Necrolysis: A Delphi Consensus Exercise. JAMA Dermatol. 2023 Jul 1; 159(7):793. PMID: 37256599
- Keller JJ. Cutaneous neuropeptides: the missing link between psychological stress and chronic inflammatory skin disease? A review. Arch Dermatol Res. Jan 26, 2023: 315, 1875-1881. PMID: 36700961
- Johnson J, Cutler B, Latour E, Keller JJ. Dermatology urgent care model reduces costs and healthcare utilization for psychodermatology patients – a retrospective chart review. Dermatol. Online J. 2022 28(5):4. PMID: 36809128
- Trinidad J, Gabel CK, Bonomo L, et al. Telemedicine and dermatology hospital consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-center observational study on resource utilization and conversion to in-person consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Eur Acad Dematol Venereol. 2022 36(5):e323-e325. PMID: 34932237
- Gabel CK, Nguyen E, Karmouta R, et al. Use of teledermatology by dermatology hospitalists is effective in the diagnosis and management of inpatient disease. J Am Acad Dermatol. Jun 2021 84(6): 1547-53. PMID: 32389716
- Hoffman M, Chansky P, Bahyam A. et al. Long-term physical and psychological outcomes of Steven-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. JAMA Dermatol. 2021 157(6):712-5. PMID: 33950191
- Haag C, Hansen T, Hajar T, et al. Comparison of three diagnostic frameworks for pyoderma gangrenosum. J Invest Dermatol. Jan 2021 141(1): 59-63. PMID: 32445742
- Korman A, Kroshinsky D, Raff A, et al. A survey-based study of diagnostic and treatment concordance in standardized cases of cellulitis and pseudocellulitis via teledermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 82(5):1221-3. PMID: 31626887
- Haynes D, Pena Z, White K, Funk T, Keller JJ. Symmetric drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema. Cutis Jun 2020 105(6):E25-E27 I doi: 10.12788/cutis.0140
- Haynes D, Topham C, Hajar T, Ortega-Loayza AG, White KP, Keller JJ. Ulcerative C2 neurocutaneous dysesthesia (trigeminal trophic syndrome in an alternative distribution). Dermatol. Online J. Jan 2020 26(1). PMID: 32155028
- Dreicer, JJ, Keller J, Halvorson S. Clinical reasoning for a worsening rash: when you’re left with the diagnosis of exclusion. SGIM Forum 2020 43(3): 1-2.
- Keller JJ, Johnson J, Latour E. Inpatient teledermatology: Diagnostic and therapeutic concordance among hospitalist, dermatologist, and teledermatologist using store-and-forward teledermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. May 2020 82(5):1262-7. PMID: 31972258
- Keller JJ, Fett NM, Morrison LH. Dermatology in the diagnosis of noncutaneous malignancy: paraneoplastic diseases. Dermatol Clin. Oct 2019 37(4):537-44. PMID: 31466593
- Haynes D, Hammer P, Malachowski SJ, et al. Characterization and diagnosis of ulcers in inpatient dermatology consultation services: A multi-centre study. Int Wound J. Dec 2019 16(6):1440-4. PMID: 31475449
- Weinkle A, Pettit C, Jani A, et al. Distinguishing Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis from clinical mimickers during inpatient dermatologic consultation – a retrospective chart review. J Am Acad Dermatol. Sept 2019 81(3):749-57. PMID: 31150704
- Keller JJ, Ortega-Loayza AG. Do I have calciphylaxis? JAMA Dermatol July 2019 155(7):872. PMID: 31116385
- Haag CK, Ortega-Loayza AG, Latour E, Keller JJ, Fett NM. Clinical factors influencing the response to intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in cases of treatment-resistant pyoderma gangrenosum. J Dermatolog Treat. 2020 Nov;31(7):723-726. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2019.1606888. Epub 2019 May 6. PMID: 30998080.
- McClatchey TM, Haynes D, Korcheva VB, Keller J. Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex syndrome) associated with peripheral T-cell lymphoma. JAAD Case Rep. 2018 Dec 14;5(1):86-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jdcr.2018.10.014. PMID: 30581941; PMCID: PMC6297902.
- Sanchez IM, Lowenstein S, Johnson KA, et al. Clinical Features of Neutrophilic Dermatosis Variants Resembling Necrotizing Fasciitis. JAMA Dermatol. 2019 Jan 1;155(1):79-84. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2018.3890. PMID: 30383110; PMCID: PMC6439570.
- Keller JJ. Leg Ulcers: Expanding the Differential. Curr Dermatol Rep. 2018; 7(3):180-189.
- Lewis RM, Keller JJ, Wan L, Stone JS. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 antagonizes hair cell regeneration in the avian auditory epithelium. Hear Res. 2018 Jul;364:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2018.04.008. Epub 2018 May 2. PMID: 29754876; PMCID: PMC5984193.
- Haynes D, Lasarev M, Keller J. Systemic antibiotic use for nonbacterial dermatological conditions among referring providers. Int J Dermatol. 2018 May;57(5):566-571. doi: 10.1111/ijd.13962. Epub 2018 Mar 9. PMID: 29521429.
- Hansen T, Olsen K, White K, Keller J. Retiform Purpura After Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization: A Case Report. Am J Dermatopathol. 2018 Feb;40(2):e25-e27. doi: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000000950. PMID: 28700373.
- Khanna U, Dominguez A, Keller J, et al. Update on calciphylaxis etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and management. Cutis. 2018 Dec;102(6):395-400. PMID: 30657805.
- Clark AK, Dhossche J, Korcheva VB, Keller JJ. Herpes zoster presenting as unilateral vasculitis. Dermatol Online J 2018; 24(11)
- Tsai S, Scott JF, Keller JJ, Gerstenblith MR. Cutaneous malignancies identified in an inpatient dermatology consultation service. Br J Dermatol. 2017 Oct;177(4):e116-e118. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15401. Epub 2017 Sep 4. PMID: 28231384.
- Keller JJ, Kittridge AL, Debanne SM, Korman NJ. Evaluation of ELISA testing for BP180 and BP230 as a diagnostic modality for bullous pemphigoid: a clinical experience. Arch Dermatol Res. 2016 May;308(4):269-72. doi: 10.1007/s00403-016-1631-1. Epub 2016 Feb 19. PMID: 26895534.
- Vyas R, Keller JJ, Honda K, Cooper KD, Gerstenblith MR. A systematic review and meta-analysis of animal-type melanoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015 Dec;73(6):1031-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2015.08.016. Epub 2015 Sep 26. PMID: 26412164.
- Tavakkol Z, Keller JJ, Furmanczyk PS, et al. Germline mutation in MSH6 associated with multiple malignant neoplasms in a patient With Muir-Torre syndrome. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Aug 1;30(22):e195-8. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.41.5562. Epub 2012 Jun 25. PMID: 22734033.
- Keller JJ, Tavakkol Z, Kalus A. Rare and deadly. Am J Med. 2011 Jan;124(1):32-4. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2010.09.006. PMID: 21187183.
- Keller JJ, Moon RT, Chien AJ. Wnt and related signaling pathways in melanomagenesis. Cancers (Basel). 2010 May 26;2(2):1000-12. doi: 10.3390/cancers2021000. PMID: 24281103; PMCID: PMC3835115.
Olivia Lucero, M.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine
Dr. Lucero is a board-certified Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon who specializes in cutaneous oncology and is the Associate Director for the OHSU High-Risk Cutaneous Oncology Clinic. Working closely with Dr. Brian Druker, her lab focuses on uncovering the pathophysiology of cutaneous carcinogenesis in high-risk skin cancer patients, and leveraging this for the development of targeted therapeutics. She is especially interested in the application of personalized medicine in the treatment of T-cell lymphoma in the form of therapeutic antibodies and engineered immunotherapy.
Research Focus: Skin cancer, skin imaging technology
Dr. Ludzik does clinical research on imaging of skin cancers. Her primary disease of interest is melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer that has a high survival rate when detected early. Dr. Ludzik and her team earned a peer-reviewed Guinness World Record for detecting the smallest skin cancer to date, which was a melanoma in-situ with only 0.65 mm (0.0256 in.) in diameter. She also has an interest in the development of new skin imaging technologies, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence for which she has already earned FDA Breakthrough Designation for a dermoscopy algorithm.
Dr. Ortega is a double-boarded certified clinician scientist in internal medicine and dermatology with expertise in wound care. He is particularly interested in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions (e.g. hidradenitis suppurativa and uncommon forms of psoriasis) and atypical/uncommon skin ulcerations (e.g. livedoid vasculopathy, calciphylaxis).
His primary area of clinical and translational research is on pyoderma gangrenosum (PG), a rare skin condition that causes very painful skin ulcerations mainly on the lower extremities. Dr. Ortega has been granted the first independent investigator grant (R01) from the NIH to study this disease which has also opened a new research portfolio for NIAMS.
He leads national and international initiatives on clinical research and outcome measures to study PG; one which is the UPGRADE (Understanding Pyoderma Gangrenosum Review of Adverse Disease Effects) initiative with the aim to standardize a core outcome set that can be used to compare efficacy of therapeutic interventions in PG.
Publications: (use “Ortega Loayza A)
Research Focus: Atopic dermatitis
Dr. Simpson’s research team focuses on chronic inflammatory skin diseases, primarily atopic dermatitis (AD), commonly known as eczema, which significantly impacts children, adults, families, and communities. There is no known cure for AD and patients with more severe disease often suffer from asthma, food allergy, skin infections, poor sleep, and mental health conditions. His team focuses on several clinically-relevant objectives: 1) Understand the burden of AD and relevant comorbidities on patients and families 2) Identify and study novel approaches to primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention 3) Improve research quality in AD through improving and standardizing disease measurement in diverse patient populations 4) Investigate the underlying pathological processes underlying AD 5) Support the development of novel topical and systemic therapies for AD. To accomplish these objectives, his team utilizes research methods along the entire translational spectrum ranging from epidemiological investigations of large population-based datasets to bedside-to-bench translational studies using patient-derived biosamples. Dr. Simpson’s research team is highly collaborative with a recent NIH-sponsored study that enrolled more than 1000 infants from four states utilizing primary care research networks. Dr. Simpson’s research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIAMS and NIAID), the Dermatology Foundation, the National Eczema Association, and industry sponsors. Dr. Simpson holds or has held voluntary leadership positions in the National Eczema Association, The International Society of Atopic Dermatitis, the International Eczema Council, the American Academy of Dermatology, and the Harmonization of Outcome Measures in Eczema helping to shape patient advocacy and research agendas on a national and international level. Dr. Simpson continues to see general dermatology patients with an emphasis on adults and children with severe AD. The following publications demonstrate his previous and continued commitment to AD research and specifically disease prevention, clinical trial quality, and team science:
Eric Simpson, M.D., M.C.R. publication list
Other important organizations and collaborations for the Simpson research team:
Atopic Dermatitis Research Network - ADRN
Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema -HOME
National Eczema Association -NEA
Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network - ORPRN
Meta-network Learning and Research Center - Meta-LARC
International Eczema Council - IEC
International Society of Atopic Dermatitis - ISAD
Society for Investigative Dermatology - SID
Research Focus: Skin cancer, skin imaging technology
Research Focus: Melanoma, drug repurposing