Virtual Skin Cancer Spot Checks

Ask a dermatologist: is this skin cancer?
Virtual skin cancer spot checks are our most flexible option to get advice on concerning moles. You can submit a skin cancer spot check at any time or place you have an internet connection. This service is designed to analyze 1-2 specific moles. It does not replace a full body skin check.
Take photos of your concerns. Submit them in a Virtual Skin Cancer Spot Check (E-Visit). A dermatology provider will respond with advice for follow-up within three business days. It's that simple.
A Virtual Skin Cancer Spot Check is a way to receive medical advice on concerning moles without needing to go in-person to a clinic. This service is designed to analyze 1-2 specific moles. They are not meant to replace a full body skin check.
Securely through MyChart, complete an online medical survey explaining your concern, and then attach your photos. Follow-up advice will be sent within three business days.
The better quality of photos submitted, the better advice your provider will be able to provide. Learn about submitting quality photos, or consider borrowing a phone-attachment dermatoscope.
Anyone with an OHSU MyChart account can request a Virtual Skin Cancer Spot Check.
If you do not already have a MyChart account set up, you can create one for free by visiting OHSU MyChart.
You should seek an expert opinion when you believe you have a mole that might be cancerous. Detecting skin cancers early is critical, especially for melanomas (the most deadly form of skin cancer). The earlier a melanoma is caught and treated, the better chance of survival.
Know your warning signs
Any time you notice a mole that:
- Has changed in appearance - primarily size, shape and coloration
- Is a new mole (this is more normal in younger people, but new moles are not normal later in life)
- Stands out of looks different from the others
You should seek an expert opinion to assure it is not skin cancer, either in an in-person visit, a Virtual Visit, or by submitting a Virtual Skin Cancer Spot Check.
To learn more about what to look for, and how to check your skin, visit Start Seeing Melanoma.
The cost of your virtual spot check is covered by most insurances, but has a maximum charge of $75 if not covered.
Requesting a Virtual Skin Cancer Spot Check (by computer)
- Visit the OHSU MyChart website and log-in using your username and password (we recommend opening this link in a new tab, so you can follow along with the instructions)
- If you do not have an existing MyChart account, select "SIGN UP NOW"
- If you have an activation code, enter this information. If you do not have an activation code, select "SIGN UP ONLINE"
- Complete the "Request an Activation Code" questions, and follow the prompts to set up your account
- Once logged in, click on the Menu button (3 horizontal bars), and find "E-Visit" on the MyChart menu. Click "E-Visit"
- Information about E-Visits will be shown. Read and select "Continue". If prompted, select your current Country and State and confirm.
- Select "Dermatology Skin Cancer Check", and click "Continue". "Confirm and proceed" your choice to get started.
- Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions of Service if you have not yet done so.
- Confirm your personal information, your pharmacy, and your allergy information by selecting your preferences and confirming the information by clicking the "this information is correct" box.
- Select whether or not you were given a Sklip Dermatoscope phone attachment for taking photos (yes or no).
- Answer the questionnaire about your Skin Cancer Check to the best of your ability
- Upload photos to help the team better treat your condition
- It is recommended to submit at least two pictures: one close up (4 inches away) and one overview (12 inches away)
- Here is a guide to help you take the best quality photos for your virtual care
- Submit your Virtual Spot Check by selecting “Submit Skin Cancer Check”. If you need to edit your submission, click edit under the Completed Steps.
Once your Skin Cancer Check has been submitted, it will be reviewed by a provider. You will receive follow-up contact within three business days via your MyChart account.
Requesting a Virtual Spot Check (by smartphone)
- Download the MyChart Phone App by searching "MyChart" on the Apple or Android app store (more info)
- When prompted for “Select an Organization”, Search for “Oregon Health and”
- Select OHSU MyChart (OHSU Flame logo), and click through to OHSU MyChart
- If you have an existing OHSU MyChart account, log in with your username and password
- If you do not have an existing OHSU MyChart account, click “Sign up now”
- If you have an activation code, enter this here. If you do not have an activation code, select "Sign up Online"
- Complete the "Request an Activation Code" questions, and follow the prompts to set up your account
- At your MyChart home page, select the Menu button (3 horizontal bars), and click on "E-visit"
- Information about E-Visits will be shown. Read and select "Continue". If prompted, select your current Country and State and confirm.
- Select "Dermatology Skin Cancer Check", and click "Continue". "Confirm and proceed" your choice to get started.
- Read and Sign Skin Cancer Check Terms and Conditions, and click "Next".
- Confirm your personal information, your pharmacy, and your allergy information by selecting your preferences and confirming the information by clicking the "this information is correct" box.
- Select whether or not you were given a Sklip Dermatoscope phone attachment for taking photos (yes or no).
- Answer the questionnaire about your Skin Cancer Check to the best of your ability.
- Upload photos to help the team better treat your condition
- It is recommended to take at least two pictures: one close up (4 inches away) and one overview (12 inches away)
- You can take a new photo, select an existing photo, or select existing document
- Here is a guide to help you take the best quality photos for your virtual care
- Submit your Virtual Spot Check by selecting “Submit Skin Cancer Check”. If you need to edit your submission, click edit under the Completed Steps.
Once your Skin Cancer Check has been submitted, it will be reviewed by a provider. You will receive follow-up contact within three business days via your MyChart account.