Headaches and Migraines

Specialists at the OHSU Headache Center understand that headaches affect each person differently. We will work with you to diagnose your unique condition, and we’ll help you manage your pain. Your pain may be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be lifelong.
At the OHSU Headache Center, you’ll find:
- A team of providers led by Dr. Juliette Preston, a neurologist with advanced training in headaches and pain.
- Experienced providers who treat nearly 1,000 patients a year.
- One of the nation’s few dental-headache specialty clinics, where specialists work together to find the exact cause of your pain.
- Close cooperation with facial pain specialists.
- Safe treatments for moms-to-be who have migraines.
- The latest medications and pain-management therapies.
- Quick access to outpatient IV therapy for certain migraine patients.
Learn more
When to ask for a referral
Consider asking your doctor for a referral to the OHSU Headache Center if:
- Your medications no longer work.
- You’re having headaches or migraines more than twice a week.
- The pain disrupts your work and home life.
- You have nausea and/or vomiting.
- You need more aggressive treatment.
When to seek emergency help
Get immediate care if your headache:
- Is severe and sudden.
- Follows a head injury.
- Comes with loss of consciousness, stiff neck and/or persistent vomiting.
Our excellence
Expertise: Dr. Juliette Preston is a neurologist and researcher with two years of advanced training in headache medicine and pain management. She and her team work with specialists across OHSU to connect patients with the precise care they need.
Research: The OHSU Brain Institute is a leading research center, with more than 300 neuroscience researchers. Our providers and scientists strive to bring innovations to patient care as quickly as possible.
Team-based care
At OHSU, doctors from across specialties work together to make sure you get a precise diagnosis and treatment plan.
Orofacial pain clinic
We offer one of the few clinics in the U.S. to combine expertise in headaches and dentistry. If you have orofacial pain (mouth, teeth, jaw, face), specialists in headaches and dentistry will work together to pinpoint the cause.
Your pain may be from a jaw disorder such as temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), for example. With an accurate diagnosis, we can make sure you get the expert treatment you need for relief. Our orofacial pain clinic is held monthly.
Facial pain
We work with the OHSU Facial Pain Program to treat patients who might benefit from surgery. Our internationally recognized facial pain experts offer innovative diagnostic tools and treatments for trigeminal neuralgia, a searing pain caused by a compressed nerve.
Cooperative care during pregnancy
Pregnancy hormones can worsen migraines at a time when patients must avoid certain medications. At OHSU, our pregnancy providers refer patients with migraines to the OHSU Headache Center.
We can provide care that won’t expose your baby to harmful medications. Often, an occipital nerve block (an injection into the scalp at the back of your head) provides relief.
Research and clinical trials
Our providers are also researchers seeking to improve diagnosis and treatment options. Areas of study include:
- Studying the link between blurry vision and anatomy.
- Measuring the cognitive (thinking) abilities of patients who frequently use sleep medication.
- Looking at how frequent headache pain affects sleep quality.
Clinical trials offer patients the chance to test promising new treatments. Your headache specialist will talk with about any trial that might be right for you.
Our team
- Alexandra Dimitrova, M.D., M.A.
- Accepting new patients
- Asha Singh, M.D.
- Accepting new patients
- Wendy Coffee, LPN
Additional OHSU services
- OHSU Brain Institute Neurology Wellness Clinic, offering complementary medicine to treat pain from headaches
- OHSU Brain Institute Facial Pain Program, led by one of the world’s leading teams on treating trigeminal neuralgia, an intense facial pain
- Care for children with headaches and migraines at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
For patients
- Referral: To become a patient, please ask your doctor for a referral.
- Questions: For questions or follow-up appointments, call 503-494-7772 .
- Virtual visits: Online follow-up appointments are available through MyChart.
- Find forms for new patients.
- See our FAQ and resources for patients.
Parking is free for patients and their visitors.
OHSU Headache Center
Center for Health & Healing Building 1, eighth floor
3303 S. Bond Ave.
Portland, OR 97239
Map and directions
Refer a patient
- Refer your patient to OHSU.
- Call 503-494-4567 to seek provider-to-provider advice.
- See our headache information for providers.
Stay informed
News: Read about research breakthroughs, patient care and many other topics on the OHSU News site.