Toolbox Talks

The Oregon Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (OR-FACE) team has created toolbox talks, which highlight a particular safety issue and provide guidance on how to address the safety issue to prevent injuries and fatalities in the future. The toolbox talks are used to foster a group discussion that focuses on the safety issue at hand and can be used during safety meetings and/or at the start of a shift. Toolbox talks are available in English and Spanish.
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Toolbox Talks - your resource for workplace safety
Toolbox talks are workplace safety conversation starters for Oregon’s high-risk industries: construction, transportation and logging. Engaging workers in toolbox talks can help employers meet Oregon OSHA’s safety committee and safety meeting requirements.
Explore toolbox talks

2015-12 Worker falls 20-25 feet from pump-jack scaffold platform (pub May 2018)
2009-21 Dump truck driver drives off embankment after losing control (pub Mar 2017)
2013-34 Worker dies from electrocution (pub Aug 2016)
2008-37 Trench collapse kills construction worker (pub Aug 2016)
2013-27 Collapsed roof trusses kill carpenter foreman (pub Apr 2016)
2005-01 Worker falls when ladder slips (pub Apr 2016)
2003-01 Young worker dies after falling through skylight (pub Dec 2015)
2003-15 Construction worker dies when he leans out of the protective cage of a skid steer forklift (pub Mar 2015) (rev Apr 2015)
2005-24 Excavation worker killed by flying rigging when hook fails (pub Sep 2014)
2003-16 Load of lumber shifts and falls on construction worker (pub Sep 2014)
2008-01 Mechanic killed by excavator bucket (pub Sep 2014)
2006-03 Novice drywall installer dies in 7-foot fall from scaffold (pub Mar 2013)
2005-64 Roofing material lands on worker standing on ladder (pub Mar 2013)
2003-10 Home construction worker falls down elevator shaft (pub Mar 2013)

2003-18 Auto salvage worker killed by unsecured car on transporter (pub Mar 2015) (rev Apr 2015)
2010-06 Truck driver crushed between semi-trailer and loading dock (pub Sep 2014)

2014-42 Forestry worker killed in vehicle from tree falling activity (pub May 2017)
2006-01 Mechanic killed pouring gasoline on fire (pub Mar 2015)
2006-09 Logger killed by a 41-foot pole sliding down steep hill (pub Jan 2015)
2005-39 Logging worker killed while riding on step of skidder (pub Jan 2015)
2006-24 Logger killed under rigging when carriage drops (pub Jun 2014)
2011-50 Timber faller killed while working under a hung tree limb (pub Jun 2014)
2003-06 Logger killed by falling sheave when yarder tower collapses (pub Jun 2014)

2013-25 Worker killed when ejected from aerial lift (pub Aug 2016)
2003-08 Hispanic laborer drowns after falling into landscaping pond (pub Dec 2015)
2011-16 Millwright fatality involving a hydraulic accumulator (pub Dec 2015)

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