Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences News and Events

Person sitting at a desk reading news on a cell phone.

Welcome to the content hub for Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences news and events. The Institute offers a monthly newsletter to keep up to date with upcoming educational opportunities, the Institute’s sponsored programs, and research news. Check out our Oregon and the Workplace blog, where we highlight research, programs, and partnerships that impact worker health and safety in Oregon and beyond. For a more in-depth perspective on issues of occupational health, safety, and well-being, tune in to our What’s Work Got to Do with It? podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. 

Get the latest news and media from the Institute

News online in phone. Reading newspaper from website. Digital publication and magazine mockup. Press feed with latest headlines in digital web portal. Reader watching media website in smartphone.

Read the newsletter

Each month, OccHealthSci publishes a newsletter featuring professional development opportunities, updates from Institute programs, research highlights and events. 

woman reading blog online on computer

Read the latest blog posts

Check out the latest from the Oregon and the Workplace Blog where you can read about the latest OccHealthSci research, practitioner resources, and educational opportunities.

OccHealthSci staff member Shaun McGillis recording a podcast.


The What's Work Got to Do with It podcast brings together occupational health, safety, and well-being experts to discuss topics relating to worker health in Oregon and beyond.

Upcoming events

Blue pen and calendar week and days.

Institute videos

Interested in what we do? Our YouTube playlist tells the story of Institute research and partnerships, giving viewers an exclusive look into how we work to improve occupational health and safety in Oregon and beyond. Watch our science seminars, symposia, and other videos on our YouTube playlist. 

While quarantine a women watching live streaming by application on smartphone

Annual reports

View annual reports from the Institute, the Oregon Occupational Public Health Program, and the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center annual reports. 

Post-doctoral scholar Joshua Gonazles working in sleep lab.

Learn more about our work

Illustration showing someone opening email on a laptop.

Sign up for our newsletter

Explore professional development opportunities, the latest updates from the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center and the Occupational Public Health Program, a research snapshot, and upcoming occupational health-focused events.

Picture of a person sitting on a couch reading a blog post on a laptop.

Sign up for our blog

The Oregon and the Workplace blog features the latest from OccHealthSci research, professional development opportunities, and valuable insights from disciplines associated with occupational health, safety, and well-being.

OccHealthSci staff taping a podcast episode.

Listen to our podcast

The What's Work Got to Do with It podcast, produced by OccHealthSci, brings together occupational health, safety, and well-being experts to discuss the latest topics relating to worker health, well-being, and safety in Oregon and beyond.