Headshot photo of Leslie Christiansen, L.M.T.

Leslie Christiansen, L.M.T.

  • Instructor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine


It was a bit of luck and synchrony that led Leslie to become a Massage Therapist. On a summer journey to Alaska and working vacation, she found employment in the fishing industry in SE Alaska.  It was there that she also found the results from the punishing work environment manifesting as red hot pain in the back, the whole back, terrible, horrible spasms.  “I was doing what came as a natural response to the pain when a wonderful healer saw what I was doing and showed me the magic that is massage.”  “I’d found a corner of the wall that I could lean my upper back into and apply some pressure to relieve the pain.  Luckily for me a fellow “slime line-fish processor” came to my rescue.  She had trained in the art of massage and wow, I will remember that feeling of her knowledgeable touch for the rest of my life.  Instant relief!”

The rest is history, Leslie moved to Portland to begin her training and has been loving it since.

Education and training

Memberships and associations:

  • American Massage Association



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