Headshot photo of Eric R. Miller, PT, MHS

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Eric R. Miller, PT, MHS

Accepting new patients

  • Physical Therapist


  • Orthopaedics and rehabilitation

Special focus

  • Foot and Ankle Rehabilitation
  • Hip Rehabilitation
  • Knee Rehabilitation
  • Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation
  • Spine Rehabilitation

Locations and contact

I see patients at

About me

Eric’s previous work with professional dancers and performers on Broadway in New York City shapes his perspective on all of his orthopedic patients. Using a hands-on approach in conjunction with exercise, his goal is improved functional movement patterns and a return to pre-injury activities as quickly as possible. He is pursuing manual certification through the Institute of Physical Art. As a life-long athlete, Eric has enjoyed competitive swimming, distance running, biking and surfing. He currently plays and coaches futsal and soccer. In his free time, Eric engages in as many outdoor activities as he can with his wife and two sons.

Languages spoken

  • French (some)

Education and training

    • M.P.H., 1992, Johns Hopkins University
    • P.T., 2001, George Washington University
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