Headshot photo of Kara Berent, M.S., P.A.-C.

Accepting new patients

Kara Berent, M.S., P.A.-C.

Accepting new patients

  • Instructor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine


  • Orthopaedics and rehabilitation

Special focus

  • Spine

Locations and contact

I see patients at

About me

Kara Berent is a physician assistant in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. She works directly with Dr. Yoo and Dr. Lin in their respective orthopedic clinics. Physicians assistants (PAs) are often referred to as mid-level providers. Physician assistants are highly trained members of our orthopedic surgery health care team who practice medicine with the supervision of licensed physicians, providing patients with a wide range of services that would otherwise be performed by physicians. Specific duties are defined by state regulation and practice setting, but include a variety of both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. They obtain medical histories, perform complete physical examinations and minor surgical procedures, diagnose illnesses, order and interpret routine diagnostic tests, develop treatment and management plans, suture wounds, set fractures, assist in surgery, and provide education to patients regarding illness, health promotion and disease prevention.

Languages spoken

  • English


Before scheduling your appointment, we recommend you contact your insurance company to verify that the OHSU Health location or provider you plan to visit is included in your network. Your insurance company will also be able to inform you of any copayments, co–insurance, or deductibles that will be your responsibility. If you proceed in scheduling an appointment and your health insurance benefits do not participate with OHSU providers, your out of pocket liability may be higher. Visit the billing and insurance section of our site for more information.

Ratings and reviews

Overall: 4.7 out of 5 (206 Ratings, 79 Reviews)

The patient ratings score is an average of all responses to the question "How likely would you be to recommend this provider to your family and friends (on a scale of 0 to 10)" on our nationally-recognized NRC patient surveys.

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