Headshot photo of Kelly Paine White, RN, B.S.N., CDCES

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Kelly Paine White, RN, B.S.N., CDCES

Accepting new patients

  • Registered Nurse, Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist


  • Diabetes
  • Diabetes Education

Locations and contact

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About me

Kelly Paine-White is a registered nurse and CDCES (Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist) specializing in the care of children with type 1 diabetes. Her interest in becoming a diabetes educator began in 2003 when her 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Kelly’s firsthand experience with the daily management of diabetes allows her to connect with patients to empathize and provide compassionate care. Kelly strives to support families and help patients thrive with type 1 diabetes.

Kelly spends much of her free time with her husband, three adult children and granddaughter. She enjoys reading, camping, hiking, and a good cup of coffee.

Education and training

    • R.N., 2010, Mt. Hood Community College
    • B.S.N., 2014, Oregon Health & Science University

Memberships and associations:

  • American Association of Diabetes Educators
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