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Miles Fletcher, M.D. (he/him)

Accepting new patients

  • Resident Physician, Family Medicine


  • Hospice and Palliative Care

Special focus

  • Palliative Care
  • LGBTQ+ Care

Locations and contact

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About me

Dr. Miles Fletcher is a resident physician providing primary care for children and adults, including obstetric care and gender-affirming care.

He comes to medicine from a background in the theater and sees himself as a guide who can assist his patients in chronicling, understanding and cultivating their own life stories. By centering his patients’ lived experiences, he hopes to provide personal, meaningful and connected care.

Outside of work, he enjoys playing piano and saxophone, yoga, swimming, reading the comics in the New Yorker, and riding bikes around Portland with his husband and their child.

Clinical expertise and special focus: Palliative care, sexual and reproductive health, LGBTQ+ care, health equity.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • M.D., 2023, Oregon Health & Science University
  • Residency

    • Family Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University
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