Headshot photo of Robert Myers, P.A.

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Robert Myers, P.A.

Not currently accepting patients

  • Instructor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine


  • Anesthesiology

Special focus

  • Anesthesiology
  • Critical Care (Anesthesiology)

About me

Mr. Myers’ specialty is in critical care. His training and previous medical experience center around surgery and surgical critical care.

Born and raised in the Northeast, Mr. Myers moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2010 and enjoys calling Portland his home. Spending time with family and friends, tackling the vast Portland food scene, diligently researching the Portland beer scene, and exploring the outdoors throughout the year are just a few of his favorite hobbies.

Languages spoken

  • English

Education and training

    • B.A., 1998, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
    • M.S., 2000, Lock Haven University Physician Asssistant Program
  • Residency

    • Norwalk Hospital/Yale Physician Assistant Surgical Residency Program
  • Certifications

    • National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
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