Anindit Mukherjee


This biography was archived on March 1, 2019 and will not be up-to-date.

Anindit Mukherjee, PhD Post-doctoral Fellow in the Ellison Lab, 2018

Anindit received his Ph.D. degree in Cellular and Integrative physiology from the University of Nebraska Medical center on early ovarian development. He shifted his focus to the kidney, as a postdoctoral fellow, in the Kleyman laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. There, from 2012 to 2016, he studied post-translational regulation of the Epithelial Sodium Channel that regulates blood pressure by fine tuning sodium reabsorption in the distal nephron. Anindit started his post-doctoral fellowship in the Ellison Laboratory from December 2016, where he is currently focused on understanding the physiological mechanisms of blood pressure and electrolyte regulation with a special focus on the regulation of the Sodium Chloride Cotransporter in the distal nephron.

Anindit is focused on understanding the physiological mechanisms of blood pressure and electrolyte regulation, with a special focus on the regulation of the Sodium Chloride Cotransporter in the distal nephron.