2023 Northwest States Trauma Conference


The OHSU Trauma Program is thrilled to present the 34th Annual Northwest States Trauma Conference

Our distinguished international and national guest speakers this year are Dr. Karim Brohi from the Center for Trauma Sciences at Barts and the London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London England,  Dr. Rochelle Dicker from UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California and Clinical Nurse Specialist Nicole Cook from WakeMed Health and Hospitals in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Register to watch the recordings!

Registration is $100 and includes:

  • The recordings of all the speaker’s presentations
  • Downloadable PDFs of the presentations (when available)
  • 14.0 hours of NCPD continuing education credits
  • Recordings and continuing education credits will remain available on the conference event site until December 31, 2024

Continuing Education

NCPD - 14.0 hours

OHSU is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Oregon Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation#4003172.

EMS Debate: Stay and Play vs. Load and Go

Pre-hospital debate between Drs. Karim Brohi and Jon Jui: Load and Go vs. Stay and Play

Watch as Dr. Karim Brohi a Vascular and Trauma Surgeon from the Centre for Trauma Sciences, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry goes toe-to-toe with Dr. Jon Jui Emergency Medicine Physician at OHSU and EMS Medical Director for Multnomah County.

Who handles pre-hospital patient management better - the United Kingdom or the United States?

Did you know, in the UK, it's common practice for physicians to ride along in EMS vehicles and helicopters? They practice life-saving procedures in the streets, including thoracotomies and REBOA, in many ways, they bring the hospital to the scene of the trauma! In the US, it's our practice to get the patient to the hospital ASAP. 

Does the UK know something we don't? Join us as we debate both practices in pre-hospital care!!

Wednesday, April 26th

EMS Debate: Stay and Play vs. Load and Go   |   Karim Brohi, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.A. vs.  Jon Jui, M.D.  

Thursday, April 27th

Trauma Informed Care   |   Rochelle Dicker, M.D.

Vascular Trauma   |   Karim Brohi, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.A.

Building a System-Wide Whole Blood Program   |   Martin Schreiber, M.D.

After the Bay: The Trauma Resuscitation Continuum   |   Nicole Cook, MSN, APRN, AGCNS-BC, CEN, CCRN, TCRN

Best Practices for Imaging in Pediatric Trauma   |   Lucas McDuffie, M.D.

Secondary Trauma   |   Rochelle Dicker, M.D.                  

Musculoskeletal Trauma in a Rural Hospital   |   Jeff Disney, M.D.

Trauma Quality: Plugging the Holes in the Swiss Cheese   |   Nicole Cook, MSN, APRN, AGCNS-BC, CEN, CCRN, TCRN

Managing Traumatic Brain Injuries Without a Neurosurgeon   |   Jeff Disney, M.D.

Pediatric Burns   |   Lucas McDuffie, M.D.

Patient Story – Estelle Morley   |   Heather Hoops, M.D.     

Friday, April 28th

Ballistic Talk   |   Phil Van, M.D.

General Management of Facial Trauma   |   Erik Wolfswinkel, M.D.

Pre-Hospital Blood Program   |   Gary Zeigler, M.D.

43 Years of Autopsies at OHSU   |   Peter Stenzel, M.D., PH. D.

Trauma Systems: The UK Experience   |   Karim Brohi, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.A.

Oregon Disaster Response System   |   Jon Jui, M.D.

The Role of the Advanced Practice Provider on the Trauma Service   |   Mindy Hamilton, PA and Nicolas Hall, AGAC-NP, MSN

Establishing a Hospital Violence Prevention Program   |   Roy Moore, Healing Hurt People

Active Shooter   |   Lt. Thomas Forsyth

Stretch Break & Raffle

Management of the Gun Shot Wound Patient - Panel Discussion 

  • Moderator - Martin Schreiber, M.D. 
  • OHSU Public Safety – Lt. Thomas Forsyth
  • Emergency Medicine – Jon Jui, M.D.
  • Trauma Surgeon – Phil Van, M.D.
  • Plastic Surgeon – Erik Wolfswinkel, M.D.