Currently Enrolling Studies
Ensayos Clínicos Disponibles en Español:
Tenemos personal que hablan Español. Para obtener más información o saber si usted califica para participar, llame a la línea confidencial de reclutamiento de la Unidad de Investigación Sobre la Salud Femenina al 503-494-3666 o escríbanos a
Estudios disponibles en Español:
- Métodos Anticonceptivos:
- Estudio de anticonceptivo inyectable- PI:Jeffrey Jensen MD, MPH Nro. de eIRB 20726
- Biopsia endometrial en personas que usan anticonceptivos con progestina-El objetivo de este estudio es obtener más información sobre los cambios menstruales en personas que usan anticonceptivos con progestina. Esperamos hallar qué cambios en el endometrio (el tejido que recubre el útero) generan diferentes patrones de sangrado durante el primer año de uso de anticonceptivos con progestina. PI: Dra. Alison Edelman, MPH, MD; N.° de IRB: 25084
- Sangrado menstrual abundante:
- Estudio de implante y TXA- El propósito del estudio es obtener más información sobre un medicamento que puede ser útil para reducir el sangrado vaginal que pueden tener las personas al usar el implante anticonceptivo (Nexplanon). Co-PI's: Dra. Alison Edelman, MPH, MD; Leo L. Han, MPH, MD; N.° de IRB: 25761
- Cánceres ginecológicos:
- ¿Le han diagnosticado con cáncer de cuello de la matriz, pre cáncer de cuello de la matriz (AIS o NIC 2/3), o tuvo una prueba anormal en sus resultados de su Papanicolaou en los últimos 10 años? ¿O alguna vez tuvo un procedimiento de Escisión Electro quirúrgica con Asa (L.E.E.P.)? La invitamos a participar en nuestro estudio para mujeres Latinas que han sido diagnosticadas con cáncer de cuello uterino o pre cáncer de cuello de la matriz. ¡Queremos que comparta su historia con nosotros! PI: Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, Ph.D., Nro. de IRB 23097
- Embarazo:
Tenemos estudios disponibles para participantes que están embarazadas. Para obtener más información o saber si usted calificaría para participar, llame a la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal (MFMU-por sus iniciales en Ingles) al 503-494-8742 o escribanos a
Contraception and birth control
LevoCept® Hormonal IUD Study
This study is currently closed to enrollment.
The purpose of this study is to investigate a new form of hormonal contraception called LevoCept® as a possible long-acting and reversible hormonal IUD. PI: Jeffrey Jensen MD, MPH eIRB# 21929
Emergency Contraceptive Disparities Study
Endometrial Biopsy in Progestin Contraceptive Users
The purpose of this study is to learn more about menstrual changes in progestin contraception users. We are hoping to find out what changes in the endometrium (the lining tissue of the uterus) lead to different bleeding patterns during the first year of progestin contraception use. PI: Alison Edelman, MD, MPH; IRB #25084
Non-hormonal Birth Control Ring Study
Pregnancy and infertility
Time-in-range using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology in the management of gestational diabetes (GDM)
If you are currently pregnant and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes by a glucose tolerance test, you may qualify for this study. The purpose of this study is to learn about continuous glucose monitor (CGM) use during pregnancy, which may improve treatment decisions for your gestational diabetes. PI: Amy Valent, DO; IRB#21775
Exercise and Pregnancy Study
This is a study designed to measure the effects of the timing of low-resistance or cardio exercise on blood sugars after eating a meal. We are inviting pregnant women at less than 30 weeks who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and are managing their diabetes with nutrition and lifestyle behaviors. PI: Amy Valent, DO; IRB: 20116
Placenta repository: A study of placental function in healthy and pathological pregnancies
Mifepristone for Delayed Pregnancy Loss
Preventing Depression in Pregnancy
Reproductive health clinics experiences survey
Vulvar care
Remote Mindfulness-Education for Women with Provoked Localized Vulvodynia
This is a study designed to learn more about the use of an online remote education and mindfulness practice program for pain and anxiety associated with provoked localized vulvodynia. Participants will be randomized to one of two groups: online education seminars alone or mindfulness practice using the Headspace app in combination with the online education seminars. PI: Catherine Leclair, MD IRB# 18191
Vestibulectomy Comparison Study
Incontinence and urogynecology
Other areas of women's health
Endometrial Biopsy Study
Cell Culture & Cervical Mucus
Women's and gynecologic cancers
In partnership with the Knight Cancer Institute
Taking a Life Course Perspective to Examine Critical Points of Intervention for Latinx Women Diagnosed with Pre/Cervical Cancer
Have you been diagnosed with cervical cancer, pre-cervical cancer (AIS, or CIN 2, CIN 2/3), or had an abnormal pap smear result in the last 10 years? Or have you had a Loop Electrosurgical Excision (L.E.E.P.) procedure? We invite you to participate in our study for Latina women who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer or pre cancer and are over the age of 35. We want to hear your story! PI: Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, Ph.D., IRB 23097
Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals aged 50-64 years
Heavy menstrual bleeding studies
PAI-1, tPA, TFPI, and HEECs in Uterine Hemostasis
Tranexamic acid (TXA )implant study
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Renal Disease Study
This study is investigating the experience of period bleeding for people with kidney disease. Very little is known about the effects of kidney disease on gynecologic health, including periods, and we want to get a better understanding of the heaviness of vaginal bleeding and its impact on daily life. PI : Julia Tasset, MD, MPH IRB #27656