Exercise and Pregnancy Study

Prior studies have demonstrated that blood sugar elevations after meals is associated with babies born large-for-gestational-age. The influence of the type and timing of exercise on blood sugar modulation after a meal have not been studied during pregnancy. We propose a prospective pilot study to determine the effects of low-resistance or cardio exercise before or after a meal on postprandial glucose levels
Participation in this study is for 3 study visits over 1 week, and it will be required to complete all 3 visits. Each visit lasts approximately 3.5 hours. Participants are randomized (like flipping a coin) into either a cardio or low-resistance training groups. Participants will be trained on how to insert a continuous glucose monitor and will wear it through the 5 day study duration. Body composition, health surveys, EKG, and a baseline fitness assessment will conducted during the first study visit to ensure it is safe to participate in the study. Participants will be supervised to perform either cardio or low-resistance exercise for 20 minutes. Lunch will be provided by our facility at all 3 visits and blood work will be obtained before and after the meal.
- Age 18-50 years
- Singleton pregnancy
- Diagnosed with gestational diabetes at <33 weeks gestation
- Diabetes is controlled without medications
- Non-smoker
- Abstains from alcohol use
- Able to exercise without limitations
$150.00 total for all 3 study visits ($50.00 given after each completed study visit)
Learn more
To get more information and learn if you are qualified to participate, you can:
- Fill out the online form.
- Call the WHRU confidential recruitment line at 503-494-3666.
- Send a message to whru@ohsu.edu.