Maternal Well-Being Study

We want to examine how well a mindfulness-based group therapy reduces mood symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum and supports emotional responding in first time moms.

The purpose of this study is:

  • Promote well-being
  • Support mothers and babies bonding
  • Improve mood postpartum


  • Pregnant with your first child
  • Women between 21-45 years of age
  • 8-16 weeks pregnant
  • Have no metal in your body


Pre-screener $10; Intake Interview $75; Pre-treatment and mid-treatment assessment $15 each; Post-treatment assessment $20; 34 Week Perinatal Visit $40; 6 Week Postpartum Assessment $25; Mother MRI visit $100; 6 Month Follow-Up Visit $40, with potential for up to $45 in bonus. Total $340 with possible additional $45.

Who do I contact for additional information?

For more information and to see if you are eligible to participate, please call the SCAN Lab at 503-494-4476 or email