Taking a Life Course Perspective to Examine Critical Points of Intervention for Latinx Women Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer or Pre-Cervical Cancer

Para leer o aprender mas sobre este estudio, visite la pagina web en español aqui.

Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer for women. We want to learn about the experiences of Latina women in our community.

Have you been diagnosed with cervical cancer, pre-cervical cancer (AIS, or CIN 2, CIN 2/3), or had an abnormal pap smear result in the last 10 years? Or have you had a Loop Electrosurgical Excision (L.E.E.P.) procedure?

We invite you to participate in our study for Latina women who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer or pre cancer and are over the age of 35. We want to hear your story!

The goal of the study is to create a standard of care for providers so they better understand the patient's experience as well as improve comprehension about how they can provide additional support to the patient and their family.

Participation includes:

  • A 1-3 hour interview. The interview can be done at your home, in a public setting or online.
  • The interview will include questions about your medications, treatment, diagnosis, challenges and experiences with providers and family members, among other questions.
Cervical Cancer Study New Image


• Are 35 years of age or older

• Have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, have received an abnormal pap smear result, ,pre cervical cancer (CIN 2, CIN2/3, or AIS), or a L.E.E.P. procedure

• More than 3 months have passed since your initial diagnosis of cervical cancer or pre cervical cancer

• Were diagnosed in the last 10 years

• Identify as Latina

• Reside in the US


You will be compensated with a $100.00 Amazon gift card for your time and valuable stories.

Whom do I contact for additional information:

To find out more information and to learn if you are qualified to participate, fill out the online form or call the Women’s Health Research Unit confidential recruitment line at 503-494-3666 or email us at whru@ohsu.edu.