Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Implant Study

If you decide to take part in this study, you will either get the study drug, Tranexamic acid, or placebo for up to 5 days. A placebo is a pill that looks like the study drug but has no real medicine in it. You will not know which one you get. You will be asked to have a number of tests and procedures such as physical exams, pregnancy tests, gonorrhea and chlamydia tests, respond to a daily text message or email diary, and have your vitals assessed.
- Are between 15 and 45 years old and currently use Nexplanon
- Have frequent or persistent bleeding while using the implant
- Have a cell phone that can send and receive text or email messages
- Are in good general health
Qualified participants will be compensated up to $425 for time and travel for this study.
Whom do I contact for additional information?
To find out more information and to learn if you are qualified to participate, fill out the online form, or call the Women’s Health Research Unit confidential recruitment line: 503-494-3666.