Vestibulectomy Comparison Study

If you decide to take part in this study, prior to your surgery, you will have a baseline visit prior to your surgery where your provider will assess your pain levels and ask you to complete several questionnaires. You will have a phone contact 1 week after your surgery. You will also have visit 3, 6 and 12 months after your surgery where your provider will assess your current pain levels and you will be asked to complete the same questionnaires.
- Are age 18 or older
- Have Provoked Localized Vulvodynia (PVD)
- Have access to a phone and the internet
Qualified participants will be compensated with a set of dilators. This study requires 5 clinic visits lasting about 30 minutes, 1 operation in Day Surgery and 1-2 phone contacts over a period of 12 months. Some will participate in post-operative physical therapy, which may require an additional 4-6 visits.
How do I get more information?
To find out more information and to learn if you are qualified to participate, fill out the online form or call the Women's Health Research Unit confidential recruitment line at 503-494-3666 or email us at