
School of Dentistry - Wu Lab

The OHSU School of Dentistry is a research hub with more than 20 principal investigators and a skilled team, conducting diverse projects on dental disease, clinical practices, oral biology and biomedical research. Funded by Federal grants (NIH, NSF, NASA) and corporate sponsors, our scientists specialize in developing biomaterials for replacing oral tissues, cell and developmental biology, oral microbiology and immunology. As one of the leading dental health care research institutions, we contribute to improving the lives of patients by investigating disease causes and supporting evidence-based dental treatments. For inquiries about innovative research and opportunities, contact the principal investigators or the Office of Research Affairs at the School of Dentistry.

Through the Office of Research and Research Training, the school supports:

OHSU Now: April 11, 2024

Justin Merritt

New study shows many inflammatory diseases start in the mouth

Explore innovative dentistry

Dr. Hui Wu
Hui Wu, Ph.D., associate dean of research

“We welcome you to explore the research facilities at the OHSU School of Dentistry. Our lab is an interdisciplinary team of clinical investigators, public health experts and laboratory scientists committed to advancing dental health care. We conduct multidisciplinary research and help young investigators and trainees flourish in their research careers. Contact us to learn about our innovative work and leading-edge lab facilities.

Engage with us

Dean's Research Seminars and other guest lectures

OHSU School of Dentistry offers monthly lectures to share new and ongoing research with students, faculty, staff and the greater community. The Dean's Research Seminars provide opportunities to learn from and connect with distinguished speakers in oral health research from respected institutions worldwide. Speakers are hosted by OHSU School of Dentistry faculty, and regularly offer continuing education credits for alumni and the dental community. On a quarterly basis, the School of Dentistry offers Faculty Research Seminars, wherein current OHSU SOD faculty share information and current research from their labs and specific areas of expertise. At the beginning of each school year, the research faculty present a Meet the Mentor seminar, introducing students to research activities and opportunities throughout the dental school.

Bacteriology Research Group

The School of Dentistry hosts a monthly Bacteriology Research Group featuring discussions and presentations by faculty and staff in this field across the OHSU campus and beyond. Most sessions are held on the 3rd Friday of the month at 1 p.m. Contact Stephanie Momeni, postdoctoral scholar in Dr. Hui Wu's lab, for more information.

Dentistry Continuing Education

Visit our learning stream link for all scheduled continuing education courses.

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