Career Development


As a postdoctoral scholar, your primary goal is to perform and publish high quality scientific research. At OHSU, in addition to your full-time dedication to research, your appointment is considered a career development position in which you will participate in skill and career training activities in preparation for a career path of your choosing. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs offers personalized career advising appointments and many additional resources and tools designed to help you at all stages of your career. On these pages, find more information about setting research and career goals through the creation of an individual development plan, exploring and defining your career path, academic and non-academic career applications, and about the career and professional development opportunities available at OHSU.

Postdoctoral training objectives

Postdoctoral training at OHSU is framed on the National Postdoctoral Association's Core Competencies. By the end of the mentored training period, a postdoctoral scholar will:

  1. Possess a broad base of established and evolving discipline- and research-specific knowledge and skills;
  2. Demonstrate effective professional and interpersonal communication skills that allow for interaction with colleagues at all levels;
  3. Adhere to and reflect professionalism standards and practices within the workplace, institution, and discipline;
  4. Possess the skills and techniques needed to facilitate effective mentorship, leadership, and management of projects and people;
  5. Receive training in the responsible conduct of research to improve the ability to make ethical and legal choices; and
  6. Articulate a plan to pursue a career path of his or her choosing.