Education at OHSU

Academic Program Review

Academic Program Review (APR) is the process by which all of OHSU degree and certificate programs are reviewed for academic quality and effectiveness. The reviews are conducted by the APR Committee in accordance with OHSU Policy 02-50-005, Academic Program Review Policy. 

Every five years, academic degree and certificate programs are required to complete and submit a program self-study to the APR Committee. The APR Committee is comprised of a minimum of nine faculty members with representation from each school at OHSU. APR Committee members are nominated by their school to a three-year term, and are confirmed by the OHSU Faculty Senate.  

To facilitate the program review process, the Office of the Provost has created a series of documents to educate stakeholders about review process and provide time-saving resources.

Academic program review forms for programs under review in AY 2024-25

To facilitate the program review process during the academic year 2024-25, programs undergoing academic program review will utilize the documents listed below.

Programs will use the APR Self-Study document and the APR Supplemental Data document to complete their programmatic self-study, which will be submitted to the APR Committee for evaluation. The APR self-study is provided in Word and PDF formats, but programs are encouraged to submit their finalized self-study as a Word document.

The APR Handbook and the APR Recommendation Resources documents are designed to educate interested groups and individuals about the review process and provide time-saving resources.

This list is intended to assist programs in developing their self-study documents but it is not considered comprehensive. We encourage programs to use information from these and other resources beyond what is provided in this list. 

After the Program Self-Study  is complete, please email the document to Ryan Patterson (she/her) (Provost's Office) as an attachment and include all supplemental information, such as Forms I and II. Please label all attachments clearly. 

Academic Program Review Committee

Academic Program Review Committee 2024-2025

Committee Leadership

  • Chair: Amanda McCullough, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics
  • Vice-Chair: Susie Goolsby, D.D.S., M.S.H.A., Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry
  • Coordinator: Ryan Patterson, M.Ed., Education Specialist, Teaching & Learning Center

Centers and institutes

Brandy Dozier, DVM, Assistant Professor, ONPRC

School of Public Health

Tawnya Peterson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Environmental Systems & Human Health

School of Nursing

  • Amy Ross, Ph.D., RN, CNS, Associate Professor, PhD in Nursing
  • Nick Miehl, Ph.D., RN, Clinical Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Nursing/HSOL

School of Medicine

  • Sarah Drummond, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Division of Physician Assistant Education
  • Grace Chen, M.D., Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  • Andrei Pugachev, Ph.D., DABR, Assistant Professor, Radiation Therapy

School of Dentistry

Lyndie Foster Page, Ph.D., BDS, DIPClinDent, MComDent, Associate Professor, Dental Public Health


Please contact: Ryan Patterson (she/her), Education Specialist & APR Coordinator,