
The holdings of the OHSU Libraries are divided into several different collections, distributed throughout the Main Library and Old Library.  See the menu at left for detailed information about specific collections.

We have developed language that can be used in accreditation reporting or funding proposals to describe the OHSU Library and its collections.  The Library can also provide additional information based on your specific application needs.  Please use our Contact Us form to get assistance with customized language.

Collections Sponsorship

The OHSU Library's Collections Sponsorship Program offers organizations, departments and individuals an opportunity to underwrite the cost of  journal subscriptions or databases. See the Collections Sponsorship page for more information.

Purchase Recommendations

To recommend purchase of a journal title, book or database please contact us.

OHSU Educational Use Photo Diversity Repository

The OHSU Educational Use Photo Diversity Repository Project arose from an identified need for teachers of health professions students to help their students visualize pathophysiological conditions in diverse populations. Please help by contributing photos.  Please visit the project here: