Headshot photo of David A. Dorr, M.D., M.S.

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David A. Dorr, M.D., M.S.

Not currently accepting patients

  • Professor of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, School of Medicine
  • Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, School of Medicine


  • Medicine

Special focus

  • Internal Medicine

Locations and contact

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About me

Dr. David A. Dorr, an internal medicine doctor, is OHSU’s Chief Research Information Officer. He focuses on improving capabilities and use of innovations to manage data, information and knowledge in research and in translating it to health care.

His interests lie in collaborative care, chronic disease management, quality and what clinical information systems need to support these areas. He also is interested in patient safety. Dr. Dorr wants to provide the best care for older adults and people with chronic diseases. He has worked on longitudinal care management systems, which are holistic, patient-centered plans. They help keep better track of patients’ needs and goals, help them manage their conditions better, and make them feel like a valued member of the team.

Languages spoken

  • English

Education and training

  • Residency

    • Internal medicine
  • Fellowship

    • Medical informatics
  • Certifications

    • Internal medicine
    • Clinical Informatics
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