
OHSU Library Donation Policy and Guidelines


The OHSU Library accepts selected gifts that are consistent with our collection development policy and mission. The purpose of this policy is to define the types of donations we accept and how they are managed.

General Policy

The OHSU Library accepts titles and materials that fill gaps in our existing collections or otherwise align with our collection development policy. Due to space, processing cost, and staffing limitations, we do not accept materials that fall outside of the scope of our collecting policy, duplicates of published items already held by OHSU Library, items published more than 5 years ago, or items in poor condition.

We require that donors provide a list of materials intended for donation before bringing any material to the OHSU Library. Library staff will review the list, and items approved for donation become the property of the OHSU Library.  

For information on donating items of potential historical value, please see our Historical Collections & Archives Donation policy.  

Materials Not Accepted

For disposing of materials the Library does not accept, please see the Journal and Book Donations: Alternative Disposition page.  We also recommend checking with your local public library, searching educational nonprofits, or researching your local waste management’s recycling options.

We do not accept the following materials:

  • Textbooks
  • Items outside our collection development policy parameters
  • Items we already own in print or e-book format
  • Older editions of items we currently own
  • Items widely held by our library consortia partners
  • Print journals / periodicals
  • Materials in poor condition


Gifts to OHSU Library are considered outright and unrestricted donations. Donated materials become the sole and irrevocable property of OHSU. The OHSU Library reserves the right to dispose of or donate material that cannot be used in the best interest of OHSU. 

OHSU Library cannot accept items for which the donor sets restrictions or requirements for use or display of the material.  


OHSU Library provides written acknowledgment of the receipt of donations, which serves as proof of your donation. Staff are prohibited from helping donors determine the value or tax status of donations. Donors who wish to obtain a detailed evaluation of their collection should consult with a qualified appraiser. 

Supporting the Library

Help build and maintain the OHSU Library collections! We welcome monetary donations and sponsorships that expand our ability to support learning, discovery and care at OHSU, throughout Oregon, and beyond.

For more information, consult our Support the Library page.

Policy reviewed and approved by OHSU Library leadership
Last reviewed: 5 October 2022