Getting Started

Man looking at images

All protocols must be approved by IRB/IACUC before conducting studies at AIRC. Principal Investigators can submit Protocols to AIRC before approval has been granted to begin initial review process.

For more information on the OHSU IRB and other grant resources, see Grant Materials

Step 1: Protocol Submission

To submit a funded human MRI protocol for the 3T or 7T, please fill out this form 

To submit a human MRI development time (no scanner fee charge) application for the 3T or 7T, please fill out this Form

To submit a protocol for the ONPRC 3T or 12T, please fill out the attached form

Step 2: Protocol Review Committee Meeting

The Protocol Review Committee (PRC), consisting of AIRC staff members, will evaluate new and continuing studies based on scientific feasibility and safety. 

  • Meetings: the PRC meets on a monthly basis
  • Approval Process:  the PRC approval process will take no longer than 2 weeks following PRC monthly meeting. The PRC will contact the PI when a judgment is rendered.

Step 3: Safety Training

The potential hazards encountered by the individual vary depending on their level of interaction with the MR Instrument.  Accordingly, training requirements vary for different individuals.

For more information regarding potential hazards and safety training, see Training & Safety

Step 4: Scheduling

  • Cancellation Policy: In the event that a scheduled study needs to be canceled, cancel the iLab reservation and give a brief reason for the cancellation in the event notes. All cancelled or amended studies should be cancelled in iLab before the start of the scan or they will be billed. If a study team member cannot cancel the reservation themselves in iLab (i.e. the user who made the reservation is out of the office, or reservation has already started in real-time) to prevent full scan charge from being applied, email Laura Trachsel ( and copy to notify the AIRC of the cancellation so that the iLab calendar can be updated. Preferably, studies should be canceled well in advance of the scheduled time so that it is known to be free for other studies.