Andor BC43

Image of Andor BC43 spinning disk confocal

The BC43 is a benchtop spinning disk confocal for fixed sample imaging on an inverted stand. The system is an alternative to slower point scanning confocal systems and rejects out of focus light for high contrast. It features four fluorescence channels for imaging in blue, green, orange red, and far red, as well as a transmitted light channel. It is equipped with a 2x sample finding lens, a 10x 0.45NA lens, a 20x 0.7NA and a 60x 1.42NA lens. Montage images can be acquired using the fully automated stage and Fusion software. The Fusion software also features the Imaris ClearView deconvolution algorithm as a post processing step. The image files are in the .ims format and can be directly opened in Imaris for downstream analyses or exported to the OME TIFF format for use in other platforms. Please reach out if you are interested in imaging with the BC43.