Zeiss LSM 880 with Airy and Fast Airyscan.
The Zeiss LSM 880 Fast Airyscan setup is configured for imaging both fixed and live-cell specimens. The multi-modal system is built around a motorized AxioObserver Z1 inverted microscope and features hardware-based Z drift compensation and a full enclosure to control temperature and atmosphere during time-lapse imaging. The stage is motorized in X,Y to mark positions or acquire images of areas larger than the field of view through tiling of individual fields of view.
Imaging modalities offered
- Conventional confocal scanning: the 880 has sensitive cooled GaAsP PMT detectors that can deliver up to 34 channels of spectral information.
- Super resolution confocal: Zeiss' Airyscan array detector delivers super-resolved images with up to an 8-fold voxel reduction. The same detector can be used for Fast Airyscanning, where beam shaping is used to read out information from the equivalent of 4 pinholes at a time.
- Multiphoton excitation: the LSM 880 also has multiphoton excitation and is equipped with a BiG detector with photon counting for FLIM experiments.