Submit a report to OCIC

Questions, concerns or to submit a report

Expectations for OHSU members

When it comes to discriminatory misconduct: 

  • OHSU employees, except designated confidential employees and those working in their professional capacity, are required to report discriminatory misconduct they hear about to OCIC. 
  • Students are not required to report discriminatory misconduct. 
  • All OHSU members are encouraged to report discriminatory misconduct they experience. 
  • See OHSU's Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation policy for more detail.  

Unsure if you need to report? Submit a report to the Integrity Helpline or email OCIC at

What we do

OCIC administers programs and procedures relating to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation of protected characteristics, sexual misconduct, and ADA compliance. Our programs advise the OHSU community on OHSU policies about protected characteristics, review and investigate reports related to policy violations, offers education, training and other resources, and confidential advocacy for employees related to bias, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and interpersonal violence. 

OHSU policy strictly prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on any protected characteristic. Protected characteristics as defined by the Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Policy (03-05-048) includes:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • National origin
  • Sex 
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Pregnancy (including pregnancy-related conditions)
  • Age
  • Disability (including physical or mental disability) 
  • Genetic information (including family medical history)
  • Ancestry
  • Marital or familial status
  • Citizenship
  • Service in the uniformed services (all as defined in federal or state law)
  • Protected veteran status
  • Expunged juvenile record
  • Use of leave protected by state or federal law
  • Use of the Worker’s compensation system
  • *And/or any other status protected by Oregon or federal law

If you have questions about a potential violation of OHSU policy, contact OCIC (503) 494-5148, or one of the other reporting options

What to expect when you contact us

You may contact OCIC 24 hours a day through our voicemail or email. We respond to voicemails and emails as soon as possible and give priority to urgent cases. After you send a message, an OCIC team member will contact you to discuss reporting options. OCIC will work to determine whether there is a potential violation of OHSU policy.

You may submit an OCIC report at any time.

OCIC is a neutral and independent department. Before filing a report with us, you may find it helpful to contact one of the options for confidential advocacy and support.

What to expect when you submit a report

After you submit a report, a team member will reach out to the impacted person(s). If you are a third-party reporter, you will receive an acknowledgment that we received your report. As a third-party reporter, if you have additional information to share after your initial report, please submit that information via the Integrity Helpline or by contacting OCIC.

The process and timeline for resolution varies depending on the specific situation. All reports are treated with care and as much privacy as possible. 

We know that these can be difficult and painful situations. Confidential advocacy and support are available throughout the process.