Civil Rights Concerns: Submit a Report and Reporting Options
OCIC is responsible for advising, reviewing, and investigating concerns related to prohibited discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on protected characteristics, including incidents of sexual misconduct. If you have any questions, please email
Quick links:
- Submit a report to OCIC via the online Integrity Helpline or call 877-733-8313
- Support from Confidential Advocacy for Employees
- Support from Confidential Advocacy for Students
- Email
- Schedule an appointment online
- See other reporting options
- Find additional options for confidential advocacy and support.
- Learn about expectations for OHSU members.
Submit a report to OCIC
OHSU encourages you to submit a report if you experience any discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on protected characteristics, including incidents of sexual misconduct.
- Anyone connected to OHSU may use the Integrity Helpline online form to report something they experienced.
- All employees are required to report such incidents that they are told about, reasonably suspect or witness.
- Employees must do their best to report incidents within 24 hours and must include their name and contact information if they are reporting on behalf of someone else/filing a third-party report.
What to expect
Response: A Confidential Intake Specialist will typically reach out to the impacted person(s) within 24 hours of receiving a report. The estimated time to provide outreach may be longer if there is a weekend or holiday.
Confidentiality: Our investigations are kept confidential to the extent possible under OHSU policies. Information will be shared on a need-to-know basis in keeping with OHSU's rules of investigation or as required by law.
Protection from retaliation: Federal and state laws and OHSU policy prohibit retaliation against anyone who files a complaint with OCIC or who takes part in an OCIC investigation. Learn how OHSU defines retaliation on Page 5 of OHSU’s Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Policy.
Referral: If appropriate, we may direct your complaint to Human Resources, the Integrity Department, your union, or another OHSU department.
Confidential Advocacy Program for Employees (CAPE)
CAPE provides confidential support to OHSU employees with concerns of bias, harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation related to a protected characteristic. CAPE clearly outlines the options of impacted parties, including supportive resources and reporting channels.
CAPE is also a confidential resource for employees experiencing interpersonal violence such as stalking, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment and sexual assault. CAPE works with employees to think through the safety, legal, health, mental wellness and workplace support they may need.
If you believe CAPE is the right resource for you, or you are unsure what support you may need, please use this link to schedule an appointment with CAPE and we can explore your options. You may also email us at or learn more about CAPE here.
Expectations for OHSU members
All OHSU employees, except confidential resources, are designated reporters of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students are not designated reporters.
OHSU employees, except confidential employees, are required to submit a report to the Integrity Helpline or to email OCIC if they are told about, reasonably suspect, or witness discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on protected characteristics, including sexual misconduct.
All OHSU members are encouraged to report any discrimination, harassment or retaliation they experience.
OHSU offers a range of reporting options for everyone who is directly involved or is aware of a situation. These include OCIC, your Human Resources business partner and confidential support.
Don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance on when or where to make a report.
Other support and reporting resources
- 833-495-2277
Can I report anonymously? Yes.
Confidential Advocacy Program for Employees (CAPE)
Can I report anonymously? Yes. No records are kept. Exceptions to confidentiality are limited to immediate threats to safety and mandatory reporting, such as child abuse.
Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance (OCIC)
Can I report anonymously? Yes. Confidential Intake Specialists are available through the Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance (OCIC).
Can I report anonymously? Yes. No records are kept. Exceptions to confidentiality are limited to immediate threats to safety and mandatory reporting, such as child abuse.
How to report a concern
The OHSU Integrity Helpline (formerly the Integrity Hotline) is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be reached by either:
- Calling the tollfree number: 1-877-733-8313; or
- Submit a confidential, anonymous report online.
Integrity Helpline reports remain confidential to the extent possible under OHSU policies. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis for investigatory purposes or as required by law.
This option is reporting a crime to a police agency.
- 503-494-4444 (emergency)
- 503-494-7744 (nonemergency dispatch)
Patient Relations
This option is for patients who experience discrimination.
- Find your business partner on O2. (You must be on the OHSU network to access this link.)
- Consider talking with your supervisor or an academic official.
OHSU labor unions
- AFSCME, Local 328
- AFSCME Graduate Researchers United
- AFSCME House Officers Union
- OHSU Police Association
Submit a report to OCIC
Questions, concerns
- Immediate crisis? Call 911 or OHSU Public Safety at 503-494-4444.
- Discrimination, harassment, retaliation: Contact or 503-494-5148.
- Sexual misconduct, gender discrimination: Contact Angela Fleischer at, 503-494-5148 and press 5.
- Confidential support (for employees): Contact or schedule an appointment.
- To report a concern anonymously: OHSU Integrity Helpline, 877-733-8313