Considering Bariatric Surgery

Deciding to have surgery for obesity is a big step. We can help you:
- Find out if you’re a candidate.
- Find resources for making a decision.
- Get started.
- Find answers to your questions.
What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a safe, effective procedure to help you lose weight. It can also improve obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure. It must be combined with diet and lifestyle changes.
- Gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of your stomach to lower food intake. It also reduces hunger signals to your brain.
- Gastric bypass surgery divides your stomach so that only the top part can receive food, which, like gastric sleeve surgery, lowers food intake.
- Duodenal switch surgery reduces the size of your stomach, and routes food around most of your small intestine. You feel full sooner and your body takes in fewer calories.
Am I a candidate for bariatric surgery?
Many factors play a role in whether bariatric surgery is an option for you. They include your goals, medical history and readiness to change your lifestyle.
We’ll evaluate anyone for bariatric treatment, even those with serious medical issues. If we can safely perform surgery, we’ll do everything we can to help you reach your goals.
BMI calculator
Body mass index (BMI) is the starting point. It’s a measure of body fat based on height and weight.
You usually need to be at least 100 pounds overweight to have a BMI high enough for bariatric surgery.
BMI is one of many factors we use to help you decide whether to have bariatric surgery. We recognize that BMI has limits:
- It is based on data from non-Hispanic white groups studied several generations ago.
- It doesn’t directly measure body fat.
- It doesn’t consider conditions you may have, lifestyle, gender, natural weight gain from aging and other factors.
This calculator is for people who are 20 or older.
You may be a candidate for surgery if you:
- Have a BMI higher than 40.
- Have a BMI of 35 or higher with one or more obesity-related condition, such as:
- Arthritis
- Type 2 diabetes
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Sleep apnea
Your insurance company may have additional requirements for coverage. We will help you seek authorization.
Getting started, step by step
Step 1: Watch our free bariatric surgery seminar. The 25-minute video, covers topics such as surgical options and life after surgery.
Step 2: Complete our Health History form.
Step 3: Call your insurance company to find out what it will cover. Your doctor's opinion that surgery is medically necessary does not guarantee coverage. Learn more about insurance and other payment options.
Step 4: A patient navigator will call to set your first appointment. You do not need a doctor's referral.
Step 5: Meet with a nurse practitioner, who will give you a thorough medical exam and a checklist of next steps.
Step 6: You will have required appointments with a dietitian, a physical therapist and a psychologist. You may need to see other specialists, such as a cardiologist. A patient navigator will arrange these appointments.
Step 7: You will take a two-part class on weight management.
Step 8: Once you've completed the above appointments, you will meet with your surgeon to discuss risks and to ask questions. After this appointment, we will ask your insurance company to authorize surgery. Once the company gives the go-ahead, we will set your surgery date and schedule your anesthesia-risk evaluation and bariatric pre-op class. See Preparing for Bariatric Surgery for details.
Treatment for teens
Obesity can increase the risk that young people will have serious medical, social and psychological issues as adults. Problems can include heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, discrimination and low self-esteem.
OHSU considers obese teenagers for bariatric treatment. We are also developing Oregon’s first clinic to treat teen obesity. We follow American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, which advise bariatric surgery for teens who:
- Have a BMI higher than 40 and serious obesity-related problems.
- Have failed repeated attempts to lose weight with treatment by a doctor, dietitian or psychologist.
- Have reached or nearly reached physical maturity (usually 13 or older for girls and 15 or older for boys).
- Are committed to comprehensive medical and psychological evaluations before and after surgery.
- Can keep a strict diet after surgery.
- Show the ability to make sound decisions.
- Have a supportive family environment.
To calculate BMI, use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention BMI calculator for children and teens. It takes growth charts into account for better accuracy.
For patients
Get started:
- Register for our free bariatric surgery seminar.
- You do not need a doctor's referral for bariatric treatment at OHSU.
- Call us at 503-494-1983
- Email us at
Bariatric Surgery Clinic, South Waterfront
Center for Health & Healing, Building 2, eighth floor
3485 S. Bond Ave.
Portland, OR 97239
Digestive Health and General Surgery
Hillsboro Medical Center, 7th Avenue Medical Plaza
333 S.E. Seventh Ave., Suite 5200
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Adventist Health Multi-Specialty Surgery Clinic
10000 S.E. Main St., Suite 316
Portland, OR 97216
Free parking for patients and visitors
Refer a patient
- Refer your patient to OHSU
- Call 503-494-4567 to seek provider-to-provider advice