Contact Us

Administrative office

Brenden-Colson Center for Pancreatic Care
Oregon Health & Science University
2730 S Moody Avenue, CL4RS
Portland, OR  97201-5042


Phone (administration):  (503) 494-8988

For patients

For appointments or other clinical matters, please contact  the OHSU Digestive Health Center
at (503) 494-4373, or your providing clinic.

For referring providers

To refer a patient to a physician at OHSU specializing in digestive disease, please call us at any time:

24-hour OHSU Consult Service:  (800) 245-6478
OHSU Digestive Health Center:  (503) 494-4373

For researchers

OHSU Researchers may refer to the O2 Brenden-Colson Center page on the university's intranet for information about funding, specimen resources and seminar schedules. Those outside OHSU may contact to request information.