For Researchers

Benefits of Community Engaged Research

When you engage and collaborate with community partners early on in your project, you are able to gather information and data to inform decisions around design, recruitment, and dissemination and expand your range of data collection. Early and ongoing engagement also has the potential to enhance your funding application. These community-academic partnerships also build expertise that will remain as a resource over time and helps communities use data to address health priorities. 

Despite national efforts led by the NIH and others, research participation remains low for racial/ethnic groups and other groups often underrepresented in research, such as women, older adults, rural residents, and lower socioeconomic status populations. Engaging these groups through community-based organizations that represent and serve them will help you include, understand, and build trust in communities that can benefit from your research. 

How CORE Can Support Your Research

Our staff can assist with your short-term project needs and with developing long-term community academic partnerships. Click here to download a menu of our services with estimated costs. 

The CORE team – including our Community Research Liaisons and Community Cancer Control Specialists, who live and work in rural communities – have developed a statewide network of community partners that will help you engage with your population of interest, including underrepresented populations. 

After reviewing the menu of services, please fill out the Project Assistance Program intake form. A CORE team member will reach out via email within 1-2 weeks to schedule an intake and discuss next steps. 

Cultural Landscapes

Engaging the Black Community - African Immigrant, Refugee, and Black Communities of Portland
The goal of this work is to increase awareness and understanding within the research community of the strengths of the African diaspora and ultimately influence your thinking. Reading this document will be a different experience for everyone and will have different outcomes. The intention is to provide actionable steps to move towards positive attitudes and actions for inclusivity wherever you are in your research journey as well as give insight on how to connect, partner, and ultimately build trust with the Black communities. 

Coos and Curry Counties
A description about this region of interest meant to help guide design choices for proposed cancer prevention and control projects and/or clinical trial research implementation.

Clatsop County
A description about this region of interest meant to help guide design choices for proposed cancer prevention and control projects and/or clinical trial research implementation.

Ready to get started?

After reviewing the PDF menu of services, please fill out the Project Assistance Program intake form. A CORE team member will reach out via email within 1-2 weeks to schedule an intake and discuss next steps. 


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