Pediatric Brain and Spinal Cord Tumor Outcomes

Statistics on outcomes reflect the excellent care at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. These show the percentage of patients who lived at least five years after being diagnosed with certain brain and spinal cord tumors. They are for patients:
- Diagnosed at age 19 or younger.
- Diagnosed between Jan. 1, 2010, and Dec. 31, 2016.
- Diagnosed with a malignant, invasive brain or spinal cord tumor.
Five-year survival is the standard for measuring cancer outcomes. But by definition, five-year survival rates do not reflect the treatments, technology and expertise available today. These numbers also reflect the most difficult cases because they do not include patients diagnosed with benign (not cancer) or noninvasive tumors.
Keep in mind that these statistics are averages and cannot predict the outcome for an individual patient.
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Cancer type* | U.S.** | OHSU |
Ependymoma and choroid plexus | 81.8% | 79.1% |
Astrocytoma | 80.6% | 82.1% |
Embryonal | 65.9% | 70.5% |
Other gliomas | 61.6% | 85.7% |
Average*** | 72.5% | 79.4% |
Germ cell tumors | 90.2% | 100% |
* As defined by the International Classification of Childhood Cancer. The first four categories are ICCC Group III, Subgroups a-d. The last category is Group Xa.
** U.S. rates are from the National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program (or SEER) Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2014, Table 29.6.
*** Only the first four types are included in the Average total because germ cell tumors belong to a different ICCC Group.