ACED Early Detection School

Dates for 2024 to be announced soon
The ACED Early Detection School is an immersive and engaging online program that covers themes relevant to cancer early detection research.
The school is aimed at grad students, Ph.D. students and early career researchers of all stages, and will cover the steps from initial biomarker discovery in the validation, through to development and translation of early detection of cancer testing. Presenters include international experts on a variety of early detection-related topics, and may include research presentations, panel discussions or debates, members of the public and patient representatives, and opportunities to network with peers from different academic and industry organizations.
Dates are currently being set for the 2024 ACED Early Detection School. It is planned to be held in late summer or early fall of 2024. Further details on the program and registration will be available soon.
ACED School serves as a platform to access world-class scientists and professionals in this growing field of research. Join this expanding community of thought leaders as they tackle the world’s highest aim: detecting early, and eventually eliminating, cancer. For information on sponsorships, please email Zach Miller (
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED) as well as each member center: Cancer Research UK, the Canary Center at Stanford University, the University of Cambridge, the Knight Cancer Institute at OHSU, University College London and The University of Manchester.
Contact Zach Miller to learn more.