DOHaD Summer Course 2023: First Principles and Future Directions
Thanks for attending!
The OHSU Center for Developmental Health hosts the DOHaD Summer Course every August.
This course is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early-stage faculty who are interested in the long-term consequences of developmental programming.
This year the theme was DOHaD: First Principles and Future Directions. Presentations from nationally recognized experts will include social determinants of DOHaD; epidemiological models and gaps in knowledge; DOHaD mechanisms impacting pathophysiology; and the promise of prevention and intervention. Registrants will have the opportunity to present their own DOHaD research during the course.
2023 Date: August 7, 8 and 9
Location: OHSU, Portland, Oregon
2023 topics:
Day 1: Social Determinants of DOHaD: Epidemiological Models and Gaps in Knowledge
Day 2: Breadth of DOHaD Mechanisms Impacting Pathophysiology
Day 3: Promise of DOHaD Prevention and Intervention
2023 Information

Susan Ozanne, Ph.D., B.S.c.; Professor of Developmental Endocrinology, University of Cambridge
Dr. Ozanne’s research focuses on understanding the mechanistic basis of the relationships between suboptimal early life nutrition and the increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity and premature death. A number of studies suggest these relationships exist, but the molecular mechanisms behind these relationships have not been understood. Not only is the goal of her lab’s research to define these mechanisms, but to also take this understanding to develop rational intervention strategies.
In alphabetical order
- Janne Boone-Heinone, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Associate Professor, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health; Program Director, MPH in Epidemiology
- Bert Boyer, Ph.D.; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Director, Alaska Native Health and Wellness Research Center; OHSU
- Beth DuPriest, Ph.D.; Chief Science Officer, Vaginal Biome Science
- Scarlett Hopkins, R.N., M.A., OHSU Schools of Medicine and Nursing; Director of Clinical Research, Alaska Native Health and Wellness Research Center, Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness, OHSU.
- Helen Jones, Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Functional Genomics, University of Florida College of Medicine
- Christopher Kroenke, Ph.D.; Professor, Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon National Primate Research Center
- Carrie McCurdy, Ph. D.; Assistant Professor of Human Physiology, University of Oregon
- Lynne C. Messer, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Associate Professor, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
- Terry Morgan, M.D., Ph.D.; Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Professor of Biomedical Engineering, OHSU
- Leslie Myatt, Ph.D., FRCOG; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, OHSU School of Medicine; Endowed Professor and Director, Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness; Director of Perinatal Research, Obstetrics and Gynecology, OHSU School of Medicine
- Bonnie Nagel, Ph.D.; Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Clinical Psychology; OHSU School of Medicine
- Elinor L. Sulivan, Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, OHSU School of Medicine
- Kent Thornburg, M.S., Ph.D., F.A.P.S., Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine Emeritus, OHSU School of Medicine
- Kimberly Vesco, M.D., M.P.H.; Senior Investigator, Kaiser Permanente
- Lisa Vrooman, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor, Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, Oregon National Primate Research Center
- David Weinberg, Ph.D.; Project Lead, Human Placenta Project; Program Officer, Contraception Research Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
View the 2023 DOHaD Summer Course Schedule.
Previous years' summer courses
(2022) DOHaD: Innovations to Address Gaps in Knowledge
(2021) DOHaD: The Next Frontier in Science