CHH-LDH Total, Plasma

Orderable EAP code:


Billable EAP Codes:

80001755 x 1

CPT Codes:

83615 x 1

Lab Section:

Center for Health and Healing (CHH)

Turnaround Time:

Routine: 2 hours
Urgent: 1 hour



Specimen Requirements:

4 mL blood in a GREEN top (lithium heparin) tube. Plasma should be separated from cells within 2 hours of collection.
Room temperature (21 to 25 degrees C), stable up to 8 hours.
Specimen should be kept at room temperature prior to measurement of LD. Specimen should NOT be frozen or refrigerated.

Pediatric Specimen Requirements:

0.5 mL in a 1.0 mL GREEN top (lithium heparin) tube. Plasma should be separated from cells within 2 hours of collection.
Room temperature (21 to 25 degrees C), stable up to 8 hours.
Specimen should be kept at room temperature prior to measurement of LD. Specimen should NOT be frozen or refrigerated.

Reference Range:

Values are the same for males and females.

Up to 14 Days: less than or equal to 1,017 U/L
14 Days up to 1 Year: less than or equal to 375 U/L
1 Year up to 10 Years: less than or equal to 266 U/L
10 Years up to 15 Years: less than or equal to 235 U/L
15 Years up to 19 Years: less than or equal to 207 U/L
19 Years up to 150 Years: less than or equal to 190 U/L


Lactate Dehydrogenase